Chapter 14

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Suspect #8.

The Next Door Neighbor.

Rachel is my only real girl friend. Not the romantic type, just a friend. She lives directly next door. Her being a suspect, out of everyone so far, surprises me. We had a good time hanging out on week nights drinking glasses of wine. Her balcony was right next to mine and most times we would just talk with the wine on our own spaces. It was easy.

She grew up with money, not unlike me, but her parents had more. They were both lawyers. Mine had been real estate agents. Our similar backgrounds brought us close, fast. She had a steady boyfriend but he worked nights at the airport and had to sleep all day. Her job was to manage social media accounts for private clients. I was pretty sure her boyfriend paid for most everything. 

"The neighbor huh?"

"Yep. It's always someone close to them and usually who you least expect."

Detective Keele was driving us towards my building. I knew that Rachel would be home. She was always home.

"What does she do again?" Detective Jones asks, leafing through his notes. 

"Social media manager. Whatever that is."

"You are too old boss, it's a person who posts and answers messages for someone else." 

"Don't laugh at day you won't be able to keep up with the nonsense either. Too much disconnect from reality. Computers are going to be our downfall. Mark my words."

"I'm not laughing at you! I agree. Computers probably will. Did you see on the news the story about AI being used in factories now? They looked like real people encased in metal. It was like something out of Hollywood. Didn't we pull her social media and see that she uploaded lots of videos with her and Leilani?"

"Yep. They looked to be really good friends."

Hold it. Did he say she uploaded lots of videos of me and her?? I wasn't aware of that! More videos being taken of me suddenly hit me with nausea. Nausea. I can still fell sick to my stomach. Super weird given I had no body, just a spirit.

"She must make a lot to live in that building. I'll give that to her."

We get closer to my building and I wish suddenly that I am still alive and able to go home. I don't know if I am ready to go back in and see where I can never really go anymore. Detective Keele guides the SUV into an open spot out front. Like it or not, I have to follow them in. 

"What is the motive here then?" 

Detective Keele sighs and puts the vehicle in park.

"If I am right on my hunch, she has an unspoken grudge. An argument perhaps? One that no one else knows about? It certainly isn't her being in love with our victim. I watched the videos. She is in love with her boyfriend. Who by the way, lives with her."

"Oh great. Hopefully the boyfriend isn't home."

"He certainly will be. He works nights at the airport."

They exit the SUV and begin to walk inside, my cue to follow behind. 

"How do you know all of this?"

Detective Keele holds the door open for detective Jones. 

"I didn't just skim the videos, I watched everything. You gotta get used to doing that too, if you plan to stay in this job longer."


My fears of being back in my building again were founded. I feel sad. More than sad actually. Hollow was more like it. My life was taken from me prematurely. I had no say in the ending. I guess we never really do anyway, but the facts of it hitting me in the face feels no less awful. Whatever happens next, I want to move on once my murder is solved. Staying here among the living is beginning to feel like hell. 

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