Chapter 4

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Suspect #3.

The HR Director. 

Lila has beautiful blonde hair. The kind that you see on shampoo ads. The kind you swear is a wig, it is too lustrous to be real. She flips said hair over her shoulder as she walks down the long corridor separating my old office from hers. 

Has she just been with Kenny again? 

I cringe at the thought. Poor Kenny's wife. So terrible. Wrong on so many levels. 

"Hmm...almond milk, tofu, the expensive lotion, I need to get to the store after work."

She likes to eat as healthy as possible. Not unlike myself, when I was alive. In fact, we have a lot in common. We could have been friends if not for her personality. And the bit of an age gap. Though I didn't mind, but Lila did. She never socialized with any of the younger staff. 

'The bitch' is what most of my peers called her. Anyone caught having to go see her for a dispute or work issue came out in a bad mood. She took no guff, from anyone. Luckily, I kept my head down at work and never had to see her in that capacity. Except for staff meetings. My section was responsible for attending every daily one. 

Tio and myself along with Kenny had to listen and take notes. We answered all the comments on the major sites our hotel was listed under and as such, needed to be in the loop on what was happening in every section. Housekeeping changing up the way they cleaned? Noted. Dining adding new menu items? Noted. It was tedious but interesting work. 

Lila stops by the legal office, sticking her head inside. I come to an abrupt halt in the air behind her. 

What is she doing?!

I used to date Marcus, our company lawyer. Rage boils up inside me. Lila couldn't have Kenny and Marcus! 

"Hey handsome. Ready for the meeting?" 

Her sickly fake voice makes me even angrier. 

"Oh hey Lila. Not yet. I'm handling a case. I'll be down when I can, need to consult my boss." 

"Anything I can help you with?" 

"Unless you have a law degree, no." 

Marcus smiles at her, flashing the cutest dimples in the process. I had really liked him. We only stopped dating because of time. He was always working. 

"I forgot to ask you, did you hear how Leilani died?" 

She was a bitch. 

"Lila, I won't speak ill of the dead, and I liked her, you know that." 

I move so I was next to him, staring back at Lila. Her face drops. Good. She finally got the hint and shrugs, then moves on. I want to see how Marcus was doing since I'd passed but not right now...he was busy. As usual. 

Rejoining Lila, my spirit feels uneasy. The overwhelming urge to know what had happened to me was slowly creeping in. Hopefully, I'd be able to figure this out. And soon. 



Positioning myself in the corner, I watch the scene unfolding. 

Detective Keele and detective Jones were sitting, as they usually did in these 'interviews'. I assumed that's what they'd call these meetings. Only they weren't recording them like you'd see in a murder or crime show. Instead they just scrawl words onto the pages of individual notebooks. 

Detective Jones takes the lead in questioning this time. 

"Tell me, how long have you been having an affair with the head of guest services?" 

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