Chapter 15

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This day has been long. Longer than the other days. Of which, I attribute to my spiritly emotional state. For the first time since I've died, I feel sad. Reality hits and it's taking me to a darker place in my soul. Maybe it was meant to all along. I'd imagine dying suddenly would leave anyone in a weird state. What you once knew is suddenly just...gone. 

I think for those who have been murdered especially, there is a process you must undergo. Mine is well on it's way. For now though, I am going home with detective Jones. He is in his older model van, listening to a radio station and driving leisurely along with the stop and go H-1 traffic. Apparently living opposite of detective Keele, towards the eastern side of the island, we continue on. 

Suddenly a loud ringing interrupts the radio as a call is coming through his speakers. Detective Jones answers.

"Hey my love."

" Are you almost home? I'm making chili and rolls for dinner, is that good?"

"Yep, getting closer. Sure! That sounds ono!"

"Drive safe, love you, see you soon."

"Love you too."

After the call hung up I noticed the detective starts to hum along with the song on the radio. He was happy. His marriage appeared to be just as good as detective Keele's was. They were good men. I wonder if this was rare in the police force or not. Either way, fate brought them to be my detectives.

The view continued along the coast side, with the turquoise ocean waters standing out as if the only crayon in a box. Hawaii was so beautiful. Traffic thins as we get off the highway. Detective Jones turns into a nice neighborhood in the harbor and my mind is blown at where he apparently lives. He parks in front of a condo in a gated community. Palm trees are swaying out front as well as gorgeous flowers. 

Detective Jones exits his van and jogs to the front door. Just as he enters the key, the door opens. 


His wife was a beautiful brunette with long hair. She launches herself at him and they both laugh as they hug. A tiny version of her mom tottles from behind them and yells 'dad'. I can't help but laugh myself. What a cute family. We go into the house and I marvel at how homey it is. Nothing is too expensive but it all looks so put together. Pictures adorn the walls of their tiny family. There is a boy in the pictures as well. He looks to be about 6 or 7. 

"Where is John Jr.?" Detective Jones asks his wife. 

"Your name sake is in his room, doing his school homework."

His name is John. John Jones. Interesting. But it suits him. 

"How was work today?" His wife asks, stirring a large pot on the stove. 

"Oh it is coming along. We found more leads...."

He stops talking as his daughter comes into the kitchen. 

"But we talk about that later."

Picking her up, the girl squeals and hugs tightly to her dad's neck. 

"Dinner is ready!"


Watching the family eat together reminds me of my childhood with my late parents. They would always sit down for meals, even if we had to eat later than most. My mom and dad were realtors and often worked weird hours but they made sure I had consistency in my life and meals were one of those ways to do that. Dad especially loved to have discussions while we ate. 

"Jenny....babe! No way! No way! Kelly Slater is the all time best surfer!"

The young boy begins to laugh at his parents banter.

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