Chapter 19

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Suspect #11.

The Realtor. 

Becky Nakamora was one of the oldest realtors at her firm. She had been working there for the last 25 years. She also knew my parents, very well. 

"I need to get this into escrow. As soon as possible. Call the client back and make sure they sent over the details."

Her assistant takes notes as she dictates them. When I knew her, she wasn't a partner in the real estate company, but now she was. The old owners had retired and must have passed down their torches. 

"Sure thing ma'am...will you do the interview here or at the police station?"

"Oh goodness, I'm not going to the police station! Here of course. I'm too busy to mess with all that."

The assistant finishes up asking her questions and then she hurries off, leaving Becky alone in the office, except for me. It hits me that none of these acquaintances and friends of mine have any idea I'm still around. That I'm still watching them. Oh how embarrassed they'd be if they knew. Only Ron, the building maintenance director, had sensed me. 

She sighs and flops onto her swivel desk chair. Her laptop was open but instead of typing she starts dictating.

"Suri, look up Leilani Miller."

"Leilani Miller. Graduate of University of Hawaii class of 2020, BA in Hospitality Management."

"Suri, are there any articles on her death?"

"No articles on her death can be found."

This was slightly amusing. How could it be possible that my death had garnered zero news coverage? Did young women fall off the top of condo buildings everyday here? 

"That is utter crap. She was murdered for God's sake...." Becky mutters. 

"Suri, do I have a dinner date this weekend with Brad or with Kala?"

"You have a dinner date at Tiki's with Kala on Saturday at eight pm."

"Well thank God for that. I need to dump Brad anyways." 

She stops conversing with the AI and opens up her desk drawer. Pulling out a small bottle of vodka, she unscrews the cap and takes a swig. This didn't surprise me. I always thought she was a partier back when I visited my parents at work. They'd been gone for a few years now. It still stings to think of it. 

"Malia....Jose....I'm so sorry that your little girl was killed. Pity she was in the wrong place at the wrong time." Becky says into the air, raising her hand towards the ceiling. 

She takes a swig again and replaces the bottle in her desk drawer. What had she meant by wrong place at the wrong time? I was at my house. A knock appeared at the door, saving her in the nick of time. Though, I wanted to hear her drunkenly say more. 

"Come in!"


The detectives are sitting on a couch lined up along her wall, their legs crossed. Only splashing sounds coming from a fountain in the lobby can be heard. The silence is slightly uncomfortable. 

"What can I do for you fine detectives?" Becky asks, letting a slight hiccup escape from her mouth. 

She blushes as she locks eyes with detective Jones. Of course she'd think him handsome. He though, didn't look amused. 

"You worked with Leilani's parents correct?" 

Becky waves her hand into the air as she had while drinking a few minutes ago. 

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