Chapter 22

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Suspect #13.

The Surf Instructor.

Tommy is one of those guys that you can never really attain. Not really. He is cocky, likes to be ultra sure of himself and plays the field. But he can afford to. He is movie star hot. 

"If you pop up too soon, you'll loose footing and eat it. The wave will tell you when it's time to stand." He says, ever so sauvely, his hands on a young 20 something's hips. 

He is in mid lesson, giving instruction on the beach as his client is fake paddling on the board. This is the part I always cringed at watching lessons. You aren't in the water yet, and most people feel super self conscious. Not this girl though. She is wiggling slightly under his grasp, and smiling widely. Knowing what she is doing. 

He won't sleep with you more than once.....

If I could tell her that, I would. Tommy was a one night stand kind of guy. Unless you were a local. 

"The waves?" The girl pouts. "Why not you?" 

Tommy grins and squeezes her before letting go to stand. 

"I'll tell you, I'll be right by you. No worries." 

"You have a girlfriend?" She asks. 

"Ha! Girlfriend?" 

The blonde stands and comes right about to his pecs, looking up at him. Her charm was working on overdrive, and he knew it. 

"You can't tell me you are single! There is no way! Hot guy like you..."

Then there it was. Tommy cocked an eyebrow, his dimples showed and he flashed 'that look'. I had seen it a million times. A few times when we were dating. 

"You think I am hot?" He asks.

The girl grins and blushes, stammering around her words, unable to come up with the response she wants.

"Let's take this out to the ocean shall we?" He finally says, picking up the large foam surfboard. The blonde smiles finally and follows him. The response from Tommy was so classic. He knows he is desirable to most all women, and he knows that he holds all the power. He can convince even the most demure woman to go on dates with him. 

"I'll hold on to the board, don't worry. Hold your breath as the waves come over you!" 

They wade out as I hover above the surface, watching them. The ocean is especially calm today and the waves are smaller than usual. He gets her out to a good spot, as he is treading water and he helps her turn the board around as she sits, straddling the foam, legs dangling on either side. 

"I'll give you a push and I need you to go onto your belly, and paddle your arms in the water..."

Her face looks terrified. I laugh out loud, I knew that deer in the headlights response the first time you get into the water on a board. The feelings you feel as you don't exactly know how this will play out. 

"Ok.." She weakly says. 

He places his hand on her lower back as a sign of comfort and then he pushes her off. 

"Ahhhhh!!" She shrieks. 

She is doing pretty good, considering it is her first time. 

Listening to Tommy's instructions, she paddles hard and then hearing him bark out 'stand up now' she does just that. She stands for a fraction of a second before losing her balance and biffing it into the waves. I smile again. Oh to feel the power of the ocean like this. It is something you can barely explain. 

The Honolulu Murder FilesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora