3.To be or not be drunk

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The night was dark and the storm going on made me realize if she hadn't been here I would be walking under the rain ( and really not singing ), alone, soaking wet as my black dress was covering not even half my skin . So I enjoyed the warmth of her car keeping my head from thinking too much about the girl next to me by couting the raindrops on the window .

"So you're a nurse for kids now ?"

"A childcare nurse yes"

"You like your job ?"

"I love it, I wouldn't change it for anything in the world ?"

"That's great..."

"You don't like what you do ?" she asked looking briefly at me before redirecting her gaze to the road .

"Umm not really, I don't know if I chose the right path" I replied laying my head on the window .

"I'm sure you will, you just need to take your time" she said trying to reassure me about my messed up plans for the future .

Except for the 'what-are-you-doing-now' part it was a silent ride none of us being really comfortable with social interactions . It was weird . It was weird sitting next to the girl I once had a crush on . Fellings I hadn't felt for a very long time seemed to interfere in my life again . It was a faint shiver bringing back the memories I tried to burry deep in my mind . I was still dizzy from all the alcohol but something else seemed to be floading in my veins . She was humming a song I couldn't recognize but was sure to know . Her black hair was tied up in a high ponytail enhancing the perfect shape of her face . Her green eyes were reflecting the moonlight that had been accompagnying us since we left the party . She wasn't wearing make-up and at that moment I realized that I actually never saw her with make-up on . She didn't need it . She was one those girls who could be dressed as trash bags and still look good . A lighting storm suddenly made me come out my admiration phase . She chuckled .

"Why are you laughing ?" I asked feeling redness invade my cheeks .

"Nothing" she smiled .

I went back to observing the raindrops race on the window betting on which one would be down first but I was slowly closing my eyes lulled by the sound of the rain above my head . Everything was soft and calm, I was a child again falling asleep in my parent's car my mom driving us home after a long trip to the countryside .

... "Aimee come on ! I want to see the fireflies !" "Claire don't go so fast you're gonna fall" "I'm not, look here they are !" Thousands of fireflies were floating around her enveloping my sister wih ligth . She looked like a little angel ready to fly . She was turning and turning until loosing balance laughing as she fell softly on the grass... She was older now, fireflies had been replaced by books, lots of books ... "Claire you want to go see the fireflies ?" "Aimee I'm not five anymore I don't have time for this" She was writing lines of equations and formulas five empty cups of coffee next to her computer "I need to work if I want to get into that school" ... Few years later she had been accepted, her suitcases were packed and we were waiting for her plane holding back tears "I'm gonna miss you little sis'" "I'm gonna miss you two Aimee" ... "Aimee"... "Aimee"..."Aimee"...

"Aimee wake up..."

I opened my eyes not knowing where I was when I felt her hand on my shoulder reminding me that I was in Ayla's car, hungover and probably looking a terrible mess .

"Wha- oh we're here already ?" I asked straightening up on my seat .

"Yes... should drink water if you don't want to have a huge headache tomorrow"

"A little late for that" I laughed " thank you for driving me home"

"You're welcome" she smiled .

I climbed out of the car walking as straight as my drunk self allowed me to trying to find my keys in my too small bag . I finally managed to open the door when I heard her voice again.

"Drink water" she laughed .

"I will, I promise, thanks again" I smiled turning towards her my hand holding my door open .

"You're welcome..." she smiled one last time before closing her window turning on her car .

I watch her drive away until she was completely out of sight drops of water falling on me from the tree leaves above my head . I took a deep breath before entering my house making sure to not wake my roomate . I fell on my bed unable to close my eyes staring at my ceiling for an hour before sleep found its way back to me . I was so confused and only one name was running through my head... Ayla .


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