18. Night confessions

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I couldn't leave my bed, I couldn't scream nor cry, I couldn't think about someone else . She was all over my mind, flashbacks running through my thoughts like an old movie . I could feel her face being so close to mine, her eyes diving into mine as she reached for my lips . How was I supposed to get over her, it was impossible . It has been more than a week since I saw her for the last time . It has been more than a week without her texting me . It has been more than a week since I got out of my room. Christmas was three days ago and let me tell you it wasn't the best one I experienced . I was mentally exhausted but I needed to do something, to move on, I should call someone, go to a party, I don't know and I don't care, I just want something to keep my mind off of her . And Justin was just about to bring the solution .

Justin : Hey, hope you're okay, haven't seen you for a week, I asked Ayla but she told me she didn't know where u were. Anyway, we're going to my parent's cabin next week with some friends wanna come ?

That was an escape plan . Spending the week in a forest with enough people to be louder than my anxiety . Plus there were gonna be Justin's friends who, little by little, became mine too . I couldn't stay alone in my room for the rest of my life and there was no risk of seeing Ayla given the fact that she would be out with her dear boyfriend for this so-called week . I said yes to Justin and a week later I was waiting for him to come pick me up . I sat behind between Jake and Sara as Louis took the passenger seat in order not to puke in Justin's car .

"And I swear to God that if one of you throws up I won't hesitate to abandon you on the road" he warned making us laugh more than he scared us .

After two hours we finally arrived at Justin's cabin and it was beautiful . It looked like out of a fantasy book the forest surrounding the big wooden house . We could hear the birds singing and the sound of water running, everything I needed to relax . We brought our bags inside discovering the place where would live for the following week and it was as wonderful as outside . Windows were covering the walls letting all the light in and the rooms seemed to have been decorated after an interior design magazine pictures . It was awesome .

"Justin this is beautiful" I said as he opened one of the window the fresh air of December invading the room .

"Thanks" he smiled "You should go see the rooms"

I didn't wait any longer and want upstairs observing the paintings and family pictures covering the walls . I chuckled at a photograph of a five-year-old Justin at the beach his mouth full of sand a little shovel in his hand .

"Choose any bedroom you want Aim' " he shouted from downstairs .

I explored the hall opening every door I could find . I chose the last one, it was a little apart from the others and as I entered I felt like in a dream . The window was covering the whole wall just before the bed offering the most amazing view of the forest . I dropped my bag on the floor and opened this window letting the fresh air invade my lungs as I took a deep breath . It was perfect .


"Okay so who votes for Men In Black?" asked Justin who was sitting next to Sara on one of the three couches of the living-room .

"Me" responded almost everybody except Sara who was paying more attention to Justin than to what was going on .

"Men In Black it is" he said turning on the biggest tv I've ever seen in my entire life . It couldn't even fit in my appartment .

As the movie went on people started falling asleep one by one and I was soon the last one still up . Having watch this movie a thousand times I sneaked out of the house and walked into the forest for about fifteen minutes before arriving to a small waterfall diving into the river that was running through the woods . The sound of water and the moonlight were enough to ease my troubled mind, I was away from my problems, away from the things that kept me up at night . But I left my phone in my room and I realized that this was maybe not the best idea when being alone in a dark forest so I decided reluctantly to go back to the house promising myself to come back tomorrow .

"Everything's alright ?" asked Justin as I walked in .

"Yeah I just took a walk" I replied taking off my sweater "Where are the others?"

"They all went to bed" he was smiling like an in love teenager and my instincts were telling that this was maybe not just an impression .

"Okay spill the tea, now" I smirked and we settled on the couch Justin clearing his throat as if he was about to give a speech .

"So" he paused "There's this girl which I think is cute and I don't know if she thinks the same about me but I feel like we connected or something I don't know, we met at the beginning of the year and I don't why, okay maybe it was because I was obsessed with you, but I only noticed now that she's actually perfect, she's funny, she's even weird sometimes but she makes me laugh so much and-"

"Wow okay slow down for a minute, this girl, that's Sara right?" I asked insisting on her name .

"Ummm yeah" he was blushing so hard "She's pretty right? I mean, you understand right?"

"I do understand" I chuckled "She's pretty"

"Yeah she is" he whispered "What should I do?"

"Honestly? Just be yourself it seems to work fine" I smiled remembering Sara sleeping on Justin's lap earlier .

"Really? Okay, yeah I can be myself" he chuckled "Thanks Aim' you always know what to do"

I laughed inwardly, if only...

"And you?" he asked "No girl?"

"Nope" I replied "No girl"

He gave me this I-know-you're-lying look and I suddenly felt like I could tell him but not directly that it was her .

"Well... There's a girl but, it's complicated..."

"She's straight?"

"Umm I guess... actually I'm not sure anymore, we had a weird moment not long ago..." it was weird to talk about Ayla who was probably one of Justin's best friends and not say her name .

"What is she like?" he asked and I silently thanked him for not asking me what happened .

"She's amazing, but I feel like she doesn't see it"

"Reminds me of someone"

"Shut up" I smiled and stayed silent, it was hard to talk about her .

"What does she look like?"

"She's...she's truly beautiful, like, really" I was trying hard not to smile stupidly but it was a lost cause . I couldn't give details about her face, he would get right away who I was talking about .

"You think there could be a thing?"

"I... there's someone between us anyway..." the thought of Dean forcing a kiss on her came back to me all of a sudden and I gave everything I had to chase this vision from my mind .

"Boyfriend?" he asked lowering his voice as if this simple word could make me burst into tears, and honestly, I think it could've .

"Yes" I said in a whisper "Anyway, I should go to sleep, goodnight"

"Goodnight Aim'"


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