15. Stay with me...

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At 1am Ayla was throwing cushions at everybody who -according to her- wasn't having enough fun . I decided to stop her when one of her shot almost broke what looked like a really expensive vase and let me tell you she could be very stubborn when she wanted to .

"No let m-me... let me th-throw"

"Ayla stop that" I said trying to catch the last projectile "you're gonna break something"

She struggled for a few seconds before realizing that alcohol didn't only take her ability to talk but also her strengh .

"You're not n-nice..." she pouted like a five-year-old swinging her arms .

"I know I know" I said putting back the cushions on the couch "What can I do to be nice again ?"

"I know" she smiled and opened her arms like earlier .

"You want a hug again ?" I asked sounding like an exhausted baby-sitter .

"Yeaaah..." she put her arms around me and started swinging along with the music "That's my favorite song"

"Really ?" I chuckled . Fifteenth time, we counted .

"Yes, and you know why ?" she asked her head on my shoulder .

"Nope, why ?"

"Umm I don't know..." she groaned tightening her arms around me .

"Well that's a good reason" I smiled forcing myself not to laugh at a drunk Ayla .

"I-I actually do know why" she added "That's because I'm dancing with you to this song"

My heart melted hearing this simple words . I thought she coudln't be any cuter, tourns out she can . Even though I tried to limit the amount of alcohol in her glass she kept going for stangers drinks when I wasn't around her and apparently no one noticed that the most sober girl ever was suddenly getting drunk . It was nothing to reassure me but for now she just did weird and funny things, there was nothing to be afraid of but Justin and I made a deal, when Ayla starts singing Disney songs it's time she goes to bed .

"That's nice..." I whispered and felt that she was laying more and more on my shoulder . Apparently Disney songs were not even necessary, it was time for her to go to sleep . I put her hair behind her ear and saw that she was slowly closing her eyes . I tried to shake her gently but she was literally falling asleep so I had no choice but to carry her to her bedroom . I struggled not to fall in the stairs ( who had so many stairs in their house ?) and opened three doors before finally finding her bedroom . I softly put her on her bed pulling up the covers and went to open the window to let some fresh air in. It was dark but I could notice some posters on her walls, not to much just three or four all glued parallel to each other and while looking further I saw that everything in her room had its own place, nothing was sticking out, no clothes were on the floor, no books were out of the shelves . Even her desk was perfectly clean, all the pencils were sorted by color, folders were lined up and in a frame next to her computer was showing her childcare nurse diploma .
But there were no pictures nor cards, nothing that could give clues about her personal life, about who she is and what she wants . This room could be anybody's room .

"Aimee..." I heard a whisper behind me, she was wiggling under her covers only her dark hair being visible .

"Hey.." I whispered as I kneeled next to her bed her green were eyes half-open "You're okay?"

She groaned and took my hand in hers startling me at the touch of her soft skin . There was this silence that seemed to last for eternity but she eventually whispered something back to me .

"Stay with me" and with that she pulled me so hard she made me climb on the bed and I soon found myself laying next to her on the other side her perfume invading my whole self . I was trying to keep a distance between us but she was getting closer everytime I moved an inch away and soon enough I wouldn't have any room left on my side of the bed . When she ended up her arm on my waist I had no choice but to stay still and surprisingly I started to fall asleep more at ease than I'd ever been .


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