10. Mrs.Gailor the wise

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6pm, sitting at the library, I was drawing again starting to realize -and actually accept- that I would never make it till the end of my studies . I massively failed at my last exam and I knew it was bad but I kind of didn't care about it anymore and Mrs.Gailor, the librarian, seemed to have understood it because she came to me many times giving me pamphlets about art schools . She kept telling me how I should drop French literature to live my passion and she knew what she was talking about . She told me how she started her studies doing physics all day as her parents wanted her to and how she ended up  living her passion for books and helping people . One day I noticed she had a rainbow bracelet on her wrist, she saw me looking at it and chuckled before telling me her story . She met a girl twenty years ago, her name was Emily she was from Europe and decided to go on a road trip in the US, after only one conversation with her Mrs.Gailor knew she was the person she had been waiting for her whole life, so without telling her parents nor her friends she followed Emily on her roadtrip and since then she woke up next to her every morning . I loved this story so much, it was beautiful and it gave me hope, hope that things can be beautiful and that love always finds its way .

"You know, I remember being your age and feeling like I didn't belong like I was different, but the truth is, I'm still different but now I don't care because I found different people to lighten my life" she told me today as she was reorganizing the shelves a big stack of books on her hands .

"You mean LGBT+ people ?" I asked putting my pen on the table .

"No" she chuckled " It's not about being gay or whatever, it's about being out of the ordinary, you will find people who think like you and work like you and when you find them you'll realize that it's actually great to be different, it makes you stronger" she said all that as if she had wanted to say it for a very long time as if she'd wanted to give this advice so hard .

"Wow sounds great indeed" I got back to my drawing trying to focus on the stack of books I was coloring "how did you figure all of this out ?"

"Time sweetie, you need time" she said calmly like she wanted to reassure me .

"But I have a friend who's already getting married-"

"Some people find their way sooner than the others, it doesn't mean you have to follow their pace" she put a hand on my shoulder "Is that me ?"

"Oh yeah" I smiled "You inspire me a lot"

"That's nice to hear" she smiled too sitting next to me " You have something on your mind am I right ?"

I hesitated for a moment, should I tell her about Ayla, after all she told me about Emily . But nothing happened between me and Ayla so it didn't really matter did it ?

"More like a someone" I whispered trying to prevent my cheeks from blushing .

"I see, and what's the name of this lucky girl ?"

"Ayla" I replied and before I could think about it I was telling her everything about Ayla from the very first day we met when we were teens to those late rides together .

"Well, you seem to really like her am I right ?"

"I... No, I don't... I can't like her, I can't..."

"And why shouldn't you ?" she asked as she would have ask me about the weather .

"I...I can't because-"

"Aimee, remember what I said about love the other day ?"

"That love always finds its way" I answered not really sure that this was actually true .

"Yes, and I'm deeply conviced that if something is meant to happen between you two, it will" she stroked my back as a grandma would do it to ease her grandchild "besides it sounds like you two get along pretty well"

I smiled closing my sketchbook and gave her the drawing "Thank you" I whispered feeling tears in my eyes .

She gave me a smile before going back to cleaning the library . Everytime we talked helped me understand my life a little more, she knew how it was, she had it all figured out .

In the hall I saw Justin, alone, who seemed to wait for someone and I soon realized he was waiting for me . He almost ran towards me as I tried to go to the opposite way, he was kind of the last person I wanted to talk to, well maybe not the last but still . He finally managed to catch me up leaving me with no choice but to talk to him .

"What ?" I asked annoyed I had to got through this again .

"Aimee I'm so sorry about the party, I should've said something when he tried to kiss her, I've been such a jerk for not doing anything" he said without breathing like his life depended on me accepting his apologies .

"What happened after I left ?" I asked willing to know if they just all got back to playing their stupid game as if nothing happened .

"I told Dean to leave" he said " I told him to leave and to apologize to Ayla . He was not really happy to go but I didn't want him to stay, he insulted me like hell but I didn't give up before he was finally out of my house"

I softened a little hearing what Justin did even if it meant putting his friendship with Dean at risk . From what I've heard he had been friends with him since kindergarden just like me and Leah and I could not imagine risking our relationship like he did with him .

"Well that's nice of you" I said not showing too much sympathy "but you swear to me you won't let that happen again right ?"

"I promised" he urgely replied "If there's anything I can do for you tell me"

"It's fin- oh actually there's something you could do"

"Of course what is it ?"

"Do you have Ayla's phone number ?"


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