2091 - 2100

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2091. Memories start forming in the womb as early as 4 months into a pregnancy!

2092. Psychology says, ironically, the more you hide your feelings, the more they show. The more you deny them, the more they grow.

2093. Being able to access information quickly (i.e. on the Internet) makes you less likely to remember it

2094. Psychology Says, We seem to ignore the ones who adore us & pay more attention to those who ignore us.

2095. Your memory performs better outside.

2096. There is no single place where a given memory lives in the brain; it's scattered across many different regions

2097. Psychology says, the saddest people tend to also seem like the nicest.

2098. Memory uses procrastination as an important tool. Your brain needs time to integrate new ideas with existing memory, allowing them to percolate and connect.

2099. Psychology says - staying quiet doesn’t mean you've got nothing to say. It means you don’t think they're ready to hear your thoughts.

2100. Mindfulness makes for a more masterful memory.

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