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2851. A reduction in visual detail alone in darkness is proposed to automatically increase attributions of agency and perceptions of being actively surveilled according to cognitive scientists.

2852. Studies show individuals home alone in darkness exhibit stress behaviors like safety seeking, pattern identification and risk assessment paralleling those seen in solitary vervet monkeys according to ethologists.

2853. Together darkness and solitude are thought converge to deactivate cortical relaxation pathways and engage ancient threat surveillance networks according to neuroscientists conceptualizing minority perceived negative experiences.

2854. Anthropological reports suggest ancient humans who avoided isolation after dark had advantages like shared vigilance and coordinated defense strategies primitive fears of which may still persist.

2855. Sensations of loneliness are also heightened alone in darkness according to psychologists due to reduced opportunity for connection and the depletion of neural reward pathways evolutionarily important for wellbeing.

2856. Being solitary in darkness increases internally-generated uncertainties according to cognitive theorists through inhibited reality testing and compromised cortical regulation of subconscious fears.

2857. Research indicates home alone darkness promotes perceptions of unpredictability which are automatically distressing due to loss of control over potential threats according to evolutionary scientists.

2858. Over 70% of participants in one study reported mild increases in distress simply imagining being left home alone after dark showing cognitive.

2859. Over 70% of participants in one study reported mild increases in distress simply imagining being left home alone after dark showing cognitive preparation for threats in darkness may activate before physical exposure.

2860. Together darkness and solitude deprive safety cues our evolved brains rely on like familiar faces according to evolutionary psychologists increasing perceptions of uncertainty which triggers fear responses.

2861. Psychologists propose solitary darkness hinders effective communication and coordination of behavioral responses to threats ancient human neural circuitry interprets as rendering one vulnerable.

2862. Being alone in darkness compounds negative thoughts according to cognitive psychologists due to diminished opportunities for distraction and reality checking priming threat focused cognition.

2863.Together these factors are thought to interact exacerbating systems conserved by evolution to detect vulnerabilities and respond to risks of isolation after dark with hyper-vigilance according to scientists.

2864. Evolutionary psychologists argue fear of solitary darkness may stem from costs to our distant ancestors like increased risk of predation compelling sensitivity to maintain family cohesion.

2865. Reduced light alone is proposed to automatically activate subconscious sensitivity to cues associated with hiding predators according to some primatologists such as shadows and camouflage.

2866. Psychologists conclude solitary darkness promotes threat focused inspection of environments due to vision's role in ancient predator detection triggering unnecessary imaginings of lurking assailants. 

2867. Neuroscientists propose darkness compromises effective communication which ancestral humans relied on for defense cues like alarm calls unconsciously activating the sympathetic system. 

2868. Being home alone in darkness violates properties of ancestral sleeping sites like enclosed protective space and group sentinels according to anthropologists automatically raising perceived risk levels.

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