2271 - 2280

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2271. It’s difficult to tell if someone is really asleep because people can actually sleep with their eyes open! In fact, about 10% of the population sleeps with their eyes either fully open or partially open.

2272. The extra-hour of sleep received when clocks are put back at the start of daylight in Canada has been found to coincide with a fall in the number of road accidents.

2273. Lack of sleep can raise the sensation of hunger by 25 percent. Sleep more and you can eat more or burn more calories.

2274. Yoga is proven to help you improve sleep.

2275. Placebo sleep works. Fooling yourself into thinking you’ve slept well, even if you haven’t, still improves performance.

2276. Napping on the weekend feels good. Start planning your napping strategy now so you don’t miss out!

2277. We used to think that everything shuts down when we sleep. But over the last 60 years scientists have discovered that our brains are very active while we sleep. In fact, some parts of the brain use more oxygen and glucose while asleep than when awake.

2278. Altitude disrupts sleep. Due to lower amounts of oxygen at altitudes of 13,200 feet or higher, it’s much harder to get your snooze on. Be careful next time you’re visiting the Rocky Mountains.

2279. After five nights of partial sleep deprivation, three drinks will have the same effect on your body as six would when you've slept enough.

2280. A person who sleeps a lot and barely steps outside home is often depressed and has a smaller friend circle.

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