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Hello there! Here are a few things you need to know about the story...

The story is based on the following games:

Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town

Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town

Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town

If you're familiar with any of those games, you'll get how the story flows from the get-go!

If you're not familiar with the games, here's a very brief explanation of them:

Harvest Moon / Story of Seasons are a series of farming simulation role-playing games.

You, the farmer, are tasked with raising a farm. You can raise plants, tend to animals, go fishing, upgrade your tools, and many more. It's a game where you go from task to task, trying to improve the farm one day at a time.

Outside of your farm life, you can explore the world and interact with other villagers. You can visit various shops and befriend many people. You can gather items from the forests and the beach.

One of my favorite aspects in the game is marriage. There are several candidates usually that you can befriend and develop a romantic relationship with. As you raise your farm, you can also try to win the heart of your favorite bachelor / bachelorette and start a family together.

This story is also adapted from "The Story of Pete and Claire: A Harvest Moon Fan Fiction" by hmnoob from 11 years ago. They wrote a story that basically combined the two characters' intros and now, they're forced to raise a farm together. It's sad the author didn't continue it any longer. It had so much potential.

Pete x Claire is not a common ship. I'd say it's not even an underrated ship; it's virtually nonexistent, considering these two characters never interact in cannon. But hey, if you're one of the few interested in this pairing, maybe this story is for you :D

This story will revolve around their relationship and will generally stick to the events shown in the games. If you're familiar with the games, then I believe you'll quickly catch on to the many references around here.

If you enjoy these games, if you enjoy a sweet and fluffy story, then give this story a try!

Let's head on to Chapter 1!

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