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Jamie and I are on our way to talk with Sophie when my phone rings. I don't have the number saved to a contact, but I recognize it regardless. I answer quickly and press the phone to my ear.

"Parker," I start.

"How unfortunate." He makes a clicking noise with his tongue. "You survived." He bursts into laughter and the line goes dead.

I roll my eyes and shove the phone in my pocket. "Asshole."

"That was the guy who's trying to take over Bolton?" Jamie asks.

I nod. "What a dumbass." I'm about to spiral into a rant about Parker when Jamie's phone rings. We stop walking while she answers.

"Hey, mom. I—"

I can hear Mrs. Vanderbilt's voice cut through the silence. Jamie winces and clicks the volume down on her phone. "Mom, relax. I'm not hanging out with the vampires on the TV." A short pause. "No. They're not related." Another pause. "No, mom. I'm with Gwen." The voice erupts on the other line. "God, mom, no." She crosses her arms over her chest. "You're not allowed to talk to her, no." Another pause. "Because the last time you did, you said something rude and excuse me if I don't trust you to be cordial with her."

This time, Mrs. Vanderbilt's voice is loud and clear. "Jamie Mae Vanderbilt. Put her on the phone."

Jamie chews the inside of her cheek, her face flushing red. She extends the phone to me. "My mom wants to talk to you."

I press the phone to my ear. "Hi, Mrs. Vanderbilt."

"Gwen, you're close to the situation. Where's the safest location for my family?" Her tone is sharp, not necessarily angry but not kind either.

"Um." I turn my back to Jamie, knowing I'm about to betray her with my answer. I know Jamie doesn't want to run away just because things are getting out of hand, but I would feel a lot better if she stayed out of this. "Out of town, ma'am. As far from Bolton as possible, I'm assuming."

Jamie grabs my shoulder, pulling on my arm for the phone.

"I'm not leaving, Gwen. Give me the phone."

I can't help but smile as she tries to force my hand lower so she can snatch the phone away. I don't budge.

"How much do I need to pay you to get my daughter as far from this city as possible?" Mrs. Vanderbilt asks. My chest warms at the idea of Mrs. Vanderbilt trusting me to protect her daughter, but I remind myself it's because she has no one else to rely on.

"You have a contract with the mayor, mom," Jamie shouts loud enough for Mrs. Vanderbilt to hear. "I'm legally obligated to stay during times of war between leech... Vampires and humans."

"Excuse my french, dear, but fuck the contract!" she shouts back. "No amount of money is worth keeping my family in this city while it's crawling with leeches."

"Would you guys like to discuss this together?" I ask, ready to give the phone up so they stop shouting at me.

They both say "No!" at the same time.

"My contact isn't responding. How bad is the situation, Gwen?" Mrs. Vanderbilt asks.

"Um." I scratch the back of my head. Jamie's going to be so mad at me for this. "It's pretty bad," I confess. "There's a man who's turning dozens of people a day. I'm not sure what his plan is but I think... I think he wants to erase the divide between humans and blood suckers by... Getting rid of humans altogether." I wait a moment before I add, "he also wants to dismantle the vampire council and take over himself."

Growing Wildflowers | WLWDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora