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I open the door wide, then kick myself for not using the chain lock at the top first. Normal people don't open the door to strangers without checking who it is first. I make a mental note to be more cautious, but I'm distracted by the face staring back at me.

What was his name again?

Black wiry hair, glasses, that fake smile glued to his face.

He must read the confusion on my face because he motions to his chest and says, "Liam."

I nod. "Right. Sorry. What do you need?"

He chuckles. "What? You're not going to invite me in?"

My eyebrows pull together. "I wasn't planning on it, no."

He bursts into laughter and pushes past me, his knuckles brushing against my arm. I rip away from him but if he notices, he doesn't mention it. Instead, he pulls his cargo shorts higher so he can sit on the edge of the springy bed and cross one leg over the other. "You're a riot, Gwen."

I wasn't joking. "How did you know where to find me?"

He leans forward, pushes his glasses higher on his face. "Guess you could call me a sleuth."

I stare at him until he continues.

"I trailed you as far as I could. Girl, you are fast." He watches me, ignores the sweat dripping down his forehead. "I lost you on the outskirts of town, so I went home and came back in the morning and the locals pointed me in your direction."

I slide the window open, take one last gulp of fresh air, lean up against the wall, and cross my arms over my chest. "Why'd you follow me?"

"It's kind of cute, you know? The locals know everything that happens here."

My heart hitches in my chest. He knows.

"Why'd you follow me?" I repeat. It's normal to be skeptical of a boy who follows you home from the beach.

He looks around the room. "Why are you staying at a motel?"

I let out a frustrated sigh. "Why'd you follow me to it?"

His black eyes go hard and beady as he stares at me like a kid who never got enough push-back from his parents. "I asked first," he says through his teeth.

"You didn't, actually."

Unfortunately for him, I've spent the last year with Gunner. I've mastered petty. I'm not giving Liam what he wants until he answers my questions.

He forces another strained smile. "I saw how you reacted to Jamie's behavior today. I can tell... You can feel her energy." He clears his throat. "Since you're new here, I thought I should fill you in before you get yourself sucked into the wrong crowd."

"The wrong crowd?"

He's nodding fast, scooting forward on the bed like he needs to be closer to spill the tea. "I'm sure you already know this but..." He pauses for dramatics. "All of Jamie's friends died this weekend."

I widen my eyes, but I've never been a great actress. "Died?"

He raises an eyebrow. "You don't know?"

I shake my head.

A satisfied grin spreads on his face. "They went camping over spring break. One last hurrah." He throws his fist in the air. "But Jamie was the only person who came back." He rolls his eyes. "She says they were attacked."

Act natural. "By who?" I press.

He stands, too excited by his own gossip to remain seated. "She says it was a cult but no one's buying it."

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