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I jog to the snack table furthest from the crowd and duck behind the flowing tablecloth, closing my eyes to focus on the voices. Everyone has gone silent besides a few of the newcomers – the vampires. I hold the breath in my chest and peek around the table leg, my eyes flicking from figure to figure until they land on Jamie.

She's still sitting on the log by the fire pit, clutching a red solo cup in her hands but this time, Kelsey is standing over her, arms outstretched like she's asking for a hug or trying to start a fight.

I push to my feet, shoving my trembling hands into the pockets of my bomber jacket as I take long steps following the shoreline, furthest from the blood suckers. I hardly feel the icy water bubble in my Vans as a wave crashes over my feet. I keep moving, don't pick my feet up higher, don't move closer to the crowd. I can't draw attention to myself.

Faith is still standing knee deep in the waves, hitching her long sundress up in one hand. My fists clench. Faith's mom isn't going to be so keen on providing blood to Aurora if her daughter is murdered by a vampire.

"Fuck," I whisper and push against the waves to make my way to Faith. I grab her under the arm and pull her with me, wanting to strangle her for losing herself so deeply in her pouting that she didn't notice the newcomers at the party. Faith doesn't try to pull away and by the look on her face she's enjoying the attention far too much despite the severity of the situation.

"Don't say anything. Just come with me," I order and continue pushing against the waves.

She looks at the students, now mixed with the blood suckers, and nods once, letting her sundress fall to her feet as she tries to keep pace with me. I'm soaked to my waist by the time I pull her from the ocean.

I hold my breath as we walk toward the bonfire, closer to the vampires. Any noise could snap their attention toward us, and we'll be dead before I can think of a new plan. We have to use distraction to our advantage. It's the only way I can get them out of here alive. As long as they're focused on the other students... Guilt fills my chest like a swarm of wasps.

I can't save them all, I tell myself and continue walking so quickly Faith has to half-jog to keep up. I drop her arm once I'm sure she'll continue following me and catch Jamie's eye. Her forehead wrinkles when she reads my expression.

"Gwen, what's—"

I hold a finger to my lips and hope she can see the fear in my expression. She needs to take this seriously. I stretch a hand out to her. "Come with me." My voice shakes and Kelsey audibly scoffs and crosses her arms over her chest.

Jamie pushes from the log and takes my hand in hers. Before anyone can protest, I'm pulling her away from the bonfire, as far from the party as possible. I know distance doesn't matter much when the vampires can cover it in less than a second, but if I can get Jamie in her car, she has a chance at survival.

Before we can make it to the staircase that leads to the street side parking, a firm hand clamps on my shoulder. I turn quickly, ready for a fight but it's only Kelsey.

"You can let go of my girl's hand, how about that?" She holds her head at a tilt, like she's looking at me over the tip of her nose. I hadn't realized I was still holding Jamie's hand, hadn't noticed the warmth of her skin against mine but regardless, I don't have time to argue with her, so I drop Jamie's hand and continue walking but as we approach the cement staircase and rusted handrail, I hear something shift behind me, the sand under someone's feet and before I can turn around, someone is shouting after us.

"Where ya guys goin'? The party's just getting started!"

I don't face the woman with the heavy accent. Instead, I grab Jamie's shoulders and look her in the eye. "Keep going. Do not run. Get in the car and go home."

Her eyes swim in tears as she grabs my hand. "Gwen, what about—"

I snap my hand from hers. "Trust me, Jamie."

Her eyes flick over my shoulder before she nods and the three of them continue up the stairs.

I turn in time to grab both sides of the railing and block the staircase from the woman who called after us.

"Hey, girlie. Where are your friends going?" She smiles, her white teeth a stark contrast to every other aspect of her appearance; her chocolatey eyes, olive tinted skin, and long chestnut hair.

"They're really drunk." I hope the answer will deter her from following them. Nobody likes the taste of blood once it mixes with alcohol and there's plenty of fresh blood down on the beach to make it a waste of her time. "Couldn't stop throwing up so I'm making them go home."

"What a shame." She speaks slowly as her eyes flick to my lips, then my neck as she undoubtedly watches my pulse beat under my skin, but her lips are still curled into a faint smile. Her gaze travels the length of my body and pauses on my pants. It looks like she might say something about the saltwater seeping from my jeans but instead she shakes her head. Her expression shifts to one of uncertainty as she lifts her fingers to my face and strokes my jaw with her thumb. I shiver under her touch, cold as stone. Without speaking, she takes a step closer and bends, so her lips are nearly touching my neck. After a long even breath, she pulls away.

"You're one of us." She lets out a breathless laugh. "I've never seen a vamp running with humans before." She raises a perfectly arched eyebrow at me. "Are you defective?"

Probably is my first reaction but instead I take a shaky breath. "I'm gathering intel for the elders," I answer.

The woman's jaw is tense as she clicks her tongue and crosses her arms over her chest. "Yeah, I understand." She gives an exaggerated eye roll. "We had a guy named Ricky running with us for a while. He was also ordered to 'gather intel' for the elders." She scoffs. "Bunch of bullshit. They executed him. Won't tell us why."

"I'm sorry."

She opens her mouth, closes it again, taken off guard by the sincerity in my voice. "Me too." She leans against the railing and nudges my shoulder. "How are you doing it?"

"Doing it?"

"Keeping the elders from murdering you," she answers. "As far as I've seen, once you're under their watch, that's it. You're done." She drags her thumb across her neck and makes a noise to symbolize being beheaded.

"I lied." After a moment of silence, I add, "A lot." If I can convince her I'm on her side, maybe she'll leave Jamie alone. I just need to paint the picture that it's us against the elders. Not her against me and the group of humans I shuttled off the beach before she could drain them.

She's nodding but her eyes are focused on something in the distance.

"I like you," she says, finally. "You should join us for our meal." She motions back to the bonfire, and I can't help but follow her gaze to the rest of the Eco Club, to the kids whose parents think they'll be home tonight. I don't know how to say no. I don't know this woman or how unstable she might be. I can't make her mad. "Doesn't unregulated hunting violate vampire law?"

She pushes away from the railing and leans in close. "Fuck Vampire Law." Her accent is heavy with anger. "We don't play by some bullshit playbook created by the elders."

I clear my throat, try to muster up some confidence as I shake my head. "They've already got a close eye on me. I shouldn't—"

"Just a bunch of power-hungry assholes." She's shaking her head in disgust, but it finally feels like I can breathe, like I've made peace with them for now despite it being as fragile as paper-thin glass. "You'll join us one day," she continues. "I can feel it in you. You're a rebel at heart." She takes my hand in hers and squeezes. "Besides, we have more fun than other bloodsuckers." She flashes a flirty smile. "I'll see you around."

I force my most genuine smile and say, "See you."

I turn to take the staircase to the road, hoping I can walk fast enough to avoid the smell of the eco club being drained on the beach. I'm half-expecting a stake to pierce my sternum from behind, expecting the woman to call my bluff but instead she shouts, "Hey, girlie," and I face her, only halfway up the staircase.

"I'm Sophie, by the way. Will you tell John I say hi? I haven't seen that guy in ages."

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