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The officer looks between me, Jamie, and Kelsey.

"Actually, we need all three of you to come with us," he says. His handlebar mustache moves when he talks, and I can't help but stare at it. I thought people were too embarrassed to sport that look in today's day and age.

Kelsey's energy shifts as she pushes to her feet. "I'm not going anywhere without an attorney."

The officer pushes his wire-rimmed glasses up on his nose. "Ma'am, no one is being detained. We need witness statements."

"Witness statements, Officer Sholtz?" Jamie asks. She knows him, or maybe she read his badge, but I can't help but wonder if her status has made her acquainted with everyone in town. From what I've heard, her mother owns Bolton County. I can't help but wonder how much power Jamie has inherited.

Kelsey crosses her arms over her chest. "I'm not talking without a lawyer."

Officer Sholtz sighs but something in his expression tells me he's used to this kind of behavior from her. Instead of pushing he looks at Jamie pleadingly. "Can I ask you two a few questions?"

Jamie nods. I don't respond. I want to run. I don't know how I'll keep my composure when he inevitably asks about Crystal. Do I give him the same story I gave to the man who saw me in the alley with her? Do I say she was drunk? That I helped her to her hotel room, and I don't know what happened after that? No, he'll know I'm lying. Do I say she's a long-lost friend of mine? No. Absolutely not. There's no way out of this. If the man who saw us already gave his statement, they probably have me pinned as the main suspect.

The officer nods for us to follow him to an empty study room and closes the door.

The air burns my throat like the time I had strep as a kid. The steady thump of their heartbeats fill my head. I move to the furthest corner of the room but there's not enough air. It smells too strongly of human. The officer's sweat mixed with too-strong cologne and the scent I've grown used to. Jamie's body wash, fresh and beachy—somewhere between the saltwater breeze and coconut, faint enough for me to question if it's perfume or simply the way she smells from spending so much time at the beach.

It's too late to run. I take a seat at the shiny wooden table and hold my breath in my chest. I can do this.

The officer clears his throat, flips a notepad open. "You two were seen with Kelsey and Liam this morning on campus. Can you give me more information about that?"

My eyebrows pull together. I look at Jamie to gauge her reaction and by the expression on her face, she's just as confused as I am.

The tension in my chest melts. It's not about Crystal.

"Sure," she starts. "I was supposed to meet up with Gwen, but Liam stopped her to tell her about this party he's throwing tomorrow night."

"He's throwing a party tomorrow?"

Jamie shrugs. "Kind of. It's more of a meeting for the Bolton County Climate Crew. We go over the impact we've made so far and drink punch and stuff like that."

The officer laughs under his breath. It smells like coffee and cigarettes. "So, not a rager."

Jamie's smiling as she shakes her head. "No, sir. Liam is not the type to throw a rager."

"So, you guys talked about this 'party' and then what happened?"

Jamie's tone shifts to irritated. "Kelsey showed up and made everyone feel uncomfortable and Liam left."

"Do you know where he went after you spoke with him?"

"No. Is he okay?"

The officer ignores her question. "Did he mention anything that seemed out of the ordinary? Maybe something about where he was going or maybe some school drama? Does he have any enemies that you guys know of? Anyone who might be holding a grudge against him for something?"

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