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I pace the room, spiraling through scenarios that involve a hunter until I collapse on the bed. Even though I'm exhausted, I can't keep my mind from spinning. A Hunter. But, where? Where is the hunter? Did he already attack everyone at home? Is John okay? Is Bri? Did John call in the midst of an attack to warn me that I'm next? Or was he safe when he called?

Another surge of anxiety pulses through my chest and I use the small amount of energy to crawl out of bed. I have to figure out what's going on. I can't stay in the city without knowing what's going on. I pull the hotel door open but as I step into the dark parking lot, John's beat-up truck speeds into the spot in front of my room.

One foot is still in the truck as I crash into his chest, holding back a sob. "Is Bri okay?" I push the question out despite the dread filling my chest.

"She's fine, Gwen. We're all fine." He takes my shoulders in his hands and holds me at arm's length. "The hunter is here. Now, get inside," he says as he pushes me toward the hotel room.

"Goddamnit, John!" I'm not thinking about the noise complaints that will be filed about the shouts coming from my room at one in the morning. "You scared the shit out of me! I thought you guys were dead!"

His expression falls. "I was... I was trying to warn you."

"Fuck, dude." I sit on the edge of the bed. "I don't give a damn about me."

"Relax, Gwendolyn."

"Do not call me that." I'm standing, pointing a serious finger at him but I'm not a threat to John. He could kill me in seconds if he wanted to.

I'm expecting him to get mad but instead he grins. "Sorry, kiddo." He chuckles. "Grab your stuff. Let's go."

I don't argue. There's nothing for me to grab. I hadn't expected this to take any longer than twenty-four hours so instead, I smooth out the comforter and start toward the door. But before we leave, I say, "You should be more afraid of me."

John smiles. "Oh yeah? You remind me of an angry mouse."

I roll my eyes playfully and climb into the passenger side of the truck.

"How many people have you had contact with?" he asks me once he's settled into the driver's side.

I shrug. "The beach had people but... direct contact? A few." I can't look at him. He'll know I'm keeping something from him, but I don't want to stress him out more by telling him about the woman I killed in the alley. Her face flashes through my head, pale and cold by the time I got done draining her.

He twists the key in the ignition. "Any of those people seem dangerous?"

I shake my head. No one besides maybe Liam. As awkward as it was when he followed me from the beach, I don't think Liam is capable of being a hunter. "Where are we going?" I ask when he pulls onto the highway going the opposite direction from the safe house. I never asked but I assumed he'd take me back and forget about this whole thing.

He sighs. "I'm taking you to stay with a friend of mine."

I look at him, my eyebrows pulled together with concern. "John? What's going on?"

"The elders called me," he explains. "There's word that a hunter is after you. You've already been tracked to the city and," he thinks for a moment, "they won't tell my how they know but you've met them or at least come very close to them."

My chest clenches. "Do they know I'm a blood sucker?"

John's eyes are focused on the road, his hands tight around the steering wheel. From the vacant look in his eyes, it's like he's lost in thought or trying to do math in his head. "I'm not sure."

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