The Secret to a Good Paani Patty (One-shot)

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On the octopod . . . 

*oil sizzling on the barbeque*

Paani: *sniffs* Mmm, this is definitely the best one of the batch

Periwinkle: I SMELL FOOD!

*the kids rush into the octopod kitchen and nearly crash into Paani* 

Pinto: Hi Paani!

Paani: Woahhh slow down there. You could've made me spill hot oil on you!

Koshi: Whatchya doinnn?

Paani: Oh you know, just making some Paani patties for lunch :)

Koshi: Paani patties?

Pinto: What's that?

Paani: The others didn't tell you about my Paani patties? :O

Paani: They're basically patties but even better! They have fruits, berries and seeds!

Paani: But can you guess what the secret to a good Paani patty is?

Periwinkle: butter?

Koshi: flour?


Paani: There is butter and flour already in it and chocolate spread on the top is DELISH

Paani: But they're not the SECRET ingredient >:)

Periwinkle: Aw we give up . . . . what is it?

Paani: Do you reaalllllyyy wanna know . . . ? 

Kids: YES!

Paani: Okay . . . the secret ingredient isss . . . .

Paani: DRIED BUGS! *waves hands around dramatically* :DDDD

Kids: EWW!

Paani: Wha- Hu- I-

Paani: What do you mean EW??!?!?!?!?!

Pinto: You're CRAZY bro XD

Paani: The only crazy ones here are YOU GUYS!

Paani: Hahah I mean kids nowadays . . . . . Don't know good food when they see it XDD

Koshi: I never said I hated it. I'll have to try some to make my own opinion.

Paani: I have some left over fried grasshoppers if you'd like?

Pinto: YES! 1000% YES!

Periwinkle: I'm allergic to grasshopper

Koshi:  . . .

Koshi: I'm sorry- How do you know this?

Koshi: Were you walking around going "OH A GRASSHOPPER! LET'S EAT IT AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS!!"??

Periwinkle:  . . . .

Periwinkle: T-that information's classified-

Paani: that's okay

Paani: What about some dried ants instead?


Koshi: I'm not so sureee

Pinto: What's wrong? CHICKEN?

Koshi: I'm not CHICKEN! I'm just saying it's not smart to let some weirdo offer you fried ants!

Paani: wah- I-I'm not a weirdo-

Pinto:  . . .

Pinto: Touché


Paani: Mkayyy *opens lid of bottle* Alright here you go

*they each take an ant and eats it*

Pinto: I like it. It tastes crunchy . . . like roasted seaweed! 

Perwinkle: It tastes . . . .g-great? 🤢

Koshi: My opinion has been made. It's bad. Tastes like feet.

Paani: Okay, okay, mixed opinions. I like that. 

Paani: The other octonauts are in for a real treat because I put an extra teaspoon of ants in those patties 😎👌

Pinto: WAIT. 



Paani: O-kay little man, I like the way you think >:) *pulls out jar of scorpions*

Koshi: *facepalms*

*leaving rooms*

Koshi: Just so you know, I'M SKIPPING LUNCH!!!

Koshi: and you're ALL A BUNCH OF WEIRDOS!

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