The Theme Park Pt. 1 (One-shot)

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Dashi: *squeals in excitement and shakes Tweak's arm violently* I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE ACTUALLY HERE!

Dashi: I used to go to Planet Park ALL the time when I was younger, I basically know this place like the back of my paw!

Ryla: Same here Dash! Ooh! What are your opinions on Uncle Tom's churros and cheese stand?


Dashi: *screeches and dances in a circle*

Kwazii: *Mouth full of churros*I JUST RAN THERE AND BACK! And matey. . . . I NEVER THOUGHT I COULD SEE STARS IN THE DAYLIGHT! *Dashi and Kwazii jump up and down together*

Inkling: Oh dear . . . . we're not even an hour in and they're already sugar high -_-

Natquik: Indeed. What happened to your talk on professionalism Dashi? >:)

Dashi: *rolls eyes* Oh pfft, theme parks will always be an exception! :D

Tweak: Thank you so much for buying us tickets, Tracker. How can we repay you?

Tracker: Oh, don't think twice about it! When I was on an exchange program as a bear cub, I used to work a fair bit here because it was close to my old apartment.

Tracker: *chuckles* I guess a few "employees' of the month" and "Great service raises" can get you a fair discount XD

Barnacles: Wow . . . even I didn't know that you worked here!

Tracker: Well I guess there are some things that you won't know about me at all >:)

Barnacles: ....

Shellington: *bumps into a bunch of other creatures* Sorry, pardon me . . Sorry . . . excuse me

Shellington: Jumping Jellyfish. . . I-It's a little crowded for my liking . . . . :/

Peso: Agreed-

Peso: *eyes widen at the sight of a rollercoaster*

Peso: *gulps* I-I've never been on a carnival ride before . . .


Kwazii: HAHA! You have the RIGHT idea matey!

Pinto: Wanna go raid the food stalls and park games and waste all of our pocket-money?!

Koshi: You know it!

*both bump into each other while laughing and running away*

Peso: Be careful you two! And make sure your octo-watches are working!

*Everyone looks at each other in concern*

Peso: They'll be fineeeeee heh :/

Inkling: Well, don't anticipate for me to ride any of those monstrosities. I would like all 8 of my tentacles to be intact by the end of the day, thank you.

Natquik: Yes yes. I have heard that there are roughly 30,000 ride-related injuries each year.

Natquik: I do not want to be part of those numbers.

Tracker: Yes, but did you also know that you are more likely to get struck by lightning than to die on a rollercoaster?

Natquik: . . . .

Natquik: *turns around* I am going to eat lunch.

Inkling: Me too. As long as we find something not deep fried and NOT sugar coated in diabetes.

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