Spring Cleaning (One-shot)

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Who else has been in the situation of procrastinating when doing chores or having to clean up? I have and so has Kwazii. Let's see what he does instead 😶

Barnacles: *hands Kwazii a mop and a bucket of water*

Kwazii: Ughhhh. But I don't want toooooo . . . 

Barnacles: Kwazii please. It's not going to take long, I promise. We haven't managed to have a proper spring clean up in months and the Octopod is in dire need of it.

Tweak: *counts on fingers* The arms need oiling, the engine needs polishing, the windows need to be washed, the library needs dusting, the bathroom needs scrubbing. We have a lot to do, Kwaz and it will be over sooner if you help.

Kwazii: But I already cleaned MY room! Anyway, why should I help clean the thing that YOU bothered to build.

Tweak: Because you're in the WILL and if you want it to stay that way, you better get mopping.

*Kwazii's jaw drops*

Kwazii: Wait . . . I'm in the will?! *dunks mop in the bucket of water and mops the floor*

Dashi: Yeah, we all are Kwazii.

Tweak: You'd all get equal sharing. But don't get your hopes up. I'm not dying yet.

Everyone: . . . .

Tweak: Also fun fact, the octopod is worth about 22 million bucks on the real estate. *wipes windows*

Kwazii: WHAT?! THAT'S BALONEY! *throws mop into the bucket*

Shellington: It's true! And If we were to sell it, we'd all be rich I suppose??


Tweak: *stops cleaning and turns around with her hands on her hips*

Tweak: Okay? Let's say that we SOLD my prized invention and dearest creation. Where do you suppose we live after that?!

Kwazii: I dunno? I was assuming you'd use some of the money to build some new doo-hickey for us to live in???

Tweak: *cackles* Fat chance. I've already built two octopods and I'm not ready to build another one.

Barnacles: *chuckles* We're not selling the octopod anytime soon, Kwazii. Besides, we really appreciate the hard work Tweak put into building this. Not many creatures have the liberty of having a roof over their heads.

Kwazii: Okay I guess you have a point . . . .

*Inkling pops up from the octo-chute*

Inkling: Alright everyone! I've dusted all the books and even reorganised them alphabetically, by genre, size and colour order!

Shellington: Incredible! Would you be able to help me sort out my science equipment professor? They're all over the table and I don't know what to do with them all.

Inkling: More organising?! This is simply the best day of my life! *taps tentacles together in excitement*

*both jump into the octochute*

Dashi: *wipes sweat off her forehead* I've folded all our clothes, sorted out important files and cleaned the kitchen!

Barnacles: Great job. Since all of you have finished your jobs, would you like to go outside and clean the windows?

Peso: Sounds like a plan!

Dashi: I'll get the window wipers!

Kwazii: YES!! LET'S GO!

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