Octonaut's Video Training Series (One-shot)

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Dashi and the Captain try to record new footage for the Octonaut's training videos including the octo-agents . . . let's just say things could have gone better :')

In the game pod

Barnacles: So whenever you find yourself stuck in STICKY quicksand, always make sure to bring rope, find a tree in close proximity and execute the pully system!

Barnacles: *smiles awkardly*

Dashi: And . . cut!

Dashi: Phew! Well done Sir, you finally managed to pull it all off after . . . 47 takes🥲

Barnacles: Perfect! Now I'll do some editing magic, find a nice background for the green screen and make sure that the video is perfect! :D

Dashi: Sounds like a plan! *packs up her camera and tripod*

Barnacles: Bringing back the Octonauts video training series is a SUCH a great idea! Think about how much this could help everyone if they ever find themselves. . .(haha, pardon the pun) in a STICKY situation!

Barnacles: *chuckles* I have SO MANY ideas for the new series! *rubs paws*

Dashi: Oh? Let me guess, you're planning on adding more: Rescue tips and tricks, unnecessary aerobics and accordion, how-to-bake and how-to-clean-up-the mess-you've-made-after-baking videos?

Dash: JUST like all of the other . . . NUMEROUS videos you've already taken in the past? *Packs up the green screen while laughing*

Barnacles: No, no Dashi forget those old things! This series will be DIFFERENT!

Dashi: Different? What do you mean 'different', sir? 

Barnacles: Well, after many years studying rescue techniques and sharing my knowledge in the past, I've come to realise that I'm not the only one with things to share. There are facts that even I don't know! So maybe, we can get everyone else to record things as well :D

Dashi: Oh . . . look, I'm not so sure if this is a good idea . . . Not everyone does well in the spotlight like you do sir :/

Barnacles: Oh *blushes* stop it

Dashi: I'm serious Captain.

Barnacles: Just give it a chance? Please Dashi?

Dashi: *Stops packing up and thinks for a moment*

Dashi: Okay sure, why not? What do you have in mind?

(Later in the HQ with Tracker, the green screen behind him)

Tracker: So hang on, I'm confused, w-what do you want me to say again??

Barnacle: A fact about what you do for a living as an Octo-agent and something you've learnt over the past few months. Got it?

Tracker: I think so-

Dashi: You ready?

Tracker: *fixes hat and pushes glasses up the bridge of his nose* Yep!

Dashi: Okay  . . . and we're rolling!

Tracker: Ack! I already forgot what I was supposed to say!

Dashi:  . . . 

Barnacles . . . 

Tracker: Oh crap, You've gone silent.

Tracker: They're staring at you in disappointment! SAY SOMETHING!

Tracker: But what do I SAY?!

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