Chapter 2

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"I think you did," Tamara replied but she didn't seem bothered by the delay as much as Virginia was. "But I don't mind the delay. It works in my favor."

As Virginia contemplated what Tamara could have possibly meant by her statement, Tamara was on her phone, sending a message out.

A quick succession of messages was exchanged between Tamara and whomever she was texting. Virginia did her best not to let her curiosity get the better of her to take a peek of who could be on the receiving end of the text messages but it didn't stop her mind from wondering.

Who was on the other line, she thought to herself? Was it her mother, father, a sibling, a boyfriend, and with a bit of wishful thinking, was it a girlfriend? If she did have a girlfriend then Virginia wouldn't have a chance but she would at least know that her gaydar was operating still.

Taking a moment from her thoughts of Tamara, she sent a message to her mother informing her that the flight had been delayed and as always, her mother called her within seconds.

"Did they say how long it will be?"

"They didn't say."

"Did you ask?"

Virginia rolled her eyes as she got up from her seat and took the few steps to speak to the agent, who could not give her an estimated time. It all depended on the weather at that point.

"Well, I hope it's not too late," Her mother chimed in on hearing the news. "Just let me know if anything changes."


Virginia returned to her seat and found Tamara reading a book. She suddenly wished she possessed a book to do the same, to appear more cultured to her superior but she never traveled with them, she always distracted herself with anything else except reading when she was in the airport. First on her list of distractions was people watching, depending on how tired she was, she would nap or if she was extremely bored, she would play a mindless game on her phone.

If she people watched, the first person on her list would be Tamara and she might come off a bit creepy, if she took a nap, she might suffer the embarrassment if her mouth happened to drop open during and so, she settled with a game on her phone. She scanned her phone for something more on the adult side to pass the time and thankfully she had a crossword app on her phone that her ex-girlfriend got her into.

Virginia started off with an easy one, filling in the answers for each respective clue and then she hit a wall, a few actually. She found herself skipping clues until she came across ones she knew but eventually she was back to the ones she missed.

"Tern," Tamara supplied.

"I'm sorry?"

"Seven down," She gestured towards Virginia's phone, "Royal or Caspian bird is tern."

"Oh," Virginia filled it in and found that it was correct. "Thank you."

Tamara's eyes were back on her book as if they never left the pages and Virginia decided to rope Tamara in with helping her complete the puzzle by reading the clues aloud.

"Spanish surrealist. Four letters. 'A' is the second letter."

A few seconds passed before Tamara took the bait and voiced the answer, Dali.

Again, the answer was correct and so, Virginia continued to feed clues to Tamara when she got stuck and Tamara provided the answer. Soon enough, the book she was reading was closed and they worked on the puzzle together until it was completed then they finished a second one.

"Do you want to do one more?"

"Maybe later." Tamara put her book away and checked the time. "I'm going to get something to eat." She stood and gripped her bag. "Do you want to join me?" Virginia was surprised by the invitation but accepted it and gathered up her things to follow.

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