Chapter 6

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"You're still here," Were the words uttered from Melody's mouth, which made Virginia reconsider. It was not what she said but the tone in what she said it that bothered her the most as if she was annoyed by her existence.

"I realized that I'd rather be here," Virginia acknowledged Melody's remark even though her focus was on Tamara at the moment, requesting her assistance, "with Tam."

The nickname was intentional. If Tamara was her girlfriend then surely, they would have nicknames or pet names for each other. She settled with the shortened name to avoid causing a stir by outing her with the word 'baby,' and the effect it had on Melody was worth it. Her jaw tensed and she walked away without another word.

Tamara lingered for a moment, wanting to know what made Virginia change her mind. "Don't worry about it." It wasn't important for her to know at the time. "Just go. I'll be here."

Again, Tamara reached down and gave Virginia's hand another squeeze, one that reflected gratitude, and then she was off behind Melody.

Virginia found the bar and got herself a drink; she would need it now that she had officially met Melody. As she sipped, she studied the room and the growing number of strangers that littered the space. What was she doing there? She knew no one, not even Tamara, who had invited her but she made a promise and she intended to keep it.

Her phone rang, interrupting her assessment of the guests. It was from Lauren. "I may need you to make some changes to your report." Virginia had spent most of the night completing it, finishing around three that morning so she'd be free for the weekend. "Check your email when you get a chance."

"You wouldn't believe where I am."


"At a welcome party for a wedding."

"Who's getting married?"

"Tamara, our boss, best friend is getting married and she invited me." Virginia abstained from telling Lauren the details behind the invite as confusing as they were.

"I figured you would run into her at the airport."

"How did you know she was going to be there?"

"I was here when she left for the airport." Lauren filled her in on how Tamara gave her a heads up that she would be out of state over the holiday weekend but if she needed her, she could call.

"Why didn't you let me know when I called you?"

"I didn't think it was that important. So, is it a date?"

"I don't know what it is." Virginia searched for Tamara in the crowd. "It's complicated and as soon as I figure it out, you'll be the second to know."

Existing matters ignored for the moment, Lauren began to fill her in on the progress of their assignment and what she needed Virginia to alter even though it was in the email but Virginia only half-listened as her eyes followed a familiar figure. It couldn't be and yet, she was confident that it was her.

"Okay. I'll call you later."

The person looked back briefly and Virginia found that it was her, Alti, her ex-girlfriend. There she was, only a few feet away and Virginia found herself maneuvering through the sea of guests to get to her.

"Alti?" Turning at the sound of her name, she took in Virginia and her eyes lit up.

"Virginia?" Her arms wrapped around her tightly. "What the hell are you doing here?" She released her but stayed close.

"It's a long story. What are you doing here?"

"My brother is getting married." Melody was marrying Alti's brother, John. If Tamara had cared enough to mention John's last name, perhaps she would have figured out that it was him. It didn't make a difference to Virginia anyway, she knew John but they weren't exactly close. "Did he invite you?"

Her Best Friend's WeddingWhere stories live. Discover now