Chapter 4

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Before they could discuss anything further, it was time for them to board their flight and on Tamara's insistence, she settled the bill, while Virginia called her mother. Once aboard the flight, Tamara gave up her seat in business class in order to sit next to Virginia in economy.

"I thought we could just go over a few important things."

Tamara wanted her to have some knowledge of the most important person she would meet during the wedding weekend; Melody Ward, her best friend. They had been friends for most of their life, a friendship that started with their parents and trickled down between them in first grade. Melody was in fashion and met her fiancée, John during a shoot. His job title escaped her at the moment but she didn't seem to care about any other detail regarding him.

"The only thing you need to know, the only thing that's important is that Melody is fiercely protective of me."


"She was always popular, whereas I was not and she sort of took me under her wing."

"She's more like a big sister to you then?"

"Nothing like sisters whatsoever," She rebutted.

"I see. Can I see a picture of her?"

Tamara was hesitant and then, she pulled up a picture of them on her phone. They were both reclined on a beach chair, in swimsuits, Tamara seated between Melody's legs and leaning against her.

"Nice picture," Was the only remark that Virginia gave. She declined to comment on Melody's beauty or the revealing swimsuit that Tamara was wearing.

"This was last year for my birthday," Tamara stated. "We went to Mexico."

"Sounds nice."

"It was." Tamara gave the picture another once over before locking her phone and putting it away again.

"Anything else I need to know?"

"Nope. I can't think of anything else."

And yet, Virginia felt like there was more to it than she was telling her but she had no idea what questions to ask or if she should.

"Anything you want to know about me?"

"Do you have any food allergies?"

"None that I know of."

"Good." That was it, that was all Tamara wanted to know and the exchange ended there for the moment. Tamara was back to reading her book and Virginia allowed her to do so undisturbed.

As they were landing, Tamara asked her whether or not she had a dress for the wedding. "I'd have to buy one."

"I'll take you to get one on Friday."

"You don't have to do that."

"I insist. You're doing me a big favor, the least I can do is buy you something to wear."


"How was your flight?" Her mother asked as they embraced on the outside of the arrivals section.

"Pretty good." Her mind drifted back to Tamara and their time together during the delay and on the flight. "I had good company."

"Did you?"

"Yes, I'll tell you about it in the car."

On the drive home, Virginia told her mother about Tamara and her proposal. There were no secrets between them, at least not anymore since she moved out. Her mother was in a sense, her best friend.

"And you're going to do it?"

"I don't have any better offers so why not?"

"Is this how young people date now?" Her mother questioned. "They take which offer is the best."

Her Best Friend's WeddingWhere stories live. Discover now