Chapter 9

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"Would you really do that?"

Tamara looked devastated and Virginia regretted the ultimatum. "No, I made you a promise and I'll stick with it." Her voice was apologetic. "I just thought it might help you make your own wardrobe choices."

"I'm not completely hopeless, you know. I can make my own choices."

"Then prove it."

An hour later, Virginia had found the perfect dress for the wedding, and Tamara had changed her wardrobe into something more her style. Virginia could tell that she was more comfortable in it and her feigned confidence became natural.

"You look great."

"Thank you."

"How do you feel?"

"I feel good. To be honest, I always feel like I'm drawing a lot of attention in the clothes Melody picks out for me."

"And you don't want that attention?"

"I rarely do."

"Well, now you have the option to dress yourself."

"I sometimes do just not all the time."

"Good then." Virginia felt accomplished. "Do you want to have lunch together?"

Tamara glanced at her watch and grimaced. "I'm supposed to have lunch with Melody soon."

Virginia was disappointed but she was aware that in this situation, Melody would always come first. "How are things between you two after last night?"

"Tense." Tamara held the door open for Virginia to exit. "Do you want to walk me to the restaurant? It's a couple of stores down."


"We haven't spoken much today but I'm sure she will have a lot to say at lunch or rather, nothing at all." Tamara shrugged. "She has this habit of not saying how she feels explicitly." Then she sighed. "I know she loves me but I don't know to what extent."

"Must be confusing."

"It is."

"So, why do you live in confusion?"

"Because I hoped that someday it would change."

So many years had passed and yet, Tamara was still holding out hope for someone who had planned out their future with someone else. It was depressing but the heart wants what the heart wants.

"Are you still holding out hope with the wedding tomorrow?"

"I'd be lying if I didn't say yes."

"Right. Okay."

"You think I'm crazy, don't you?"

"No." A little, Virginia thought to herself. "If it makes you feel better, I held out hope for Alti too."

"Not anymore?"

"I've moved on." The idea of moving on seemed foreign to Tamara, who refused to let go of the one constant in her life.

"I should get inside."

"I'll see you later."

Virginia hated to leave Tamara alone with Melody. She was aware that there was no competition when it came between her and Melody but she didn't want to throw in the towel just yet.

As she walked back to her car, Virginia was reminded of the text she received from Alti the night before that she had yet to respond to and sent her a message for them to meet up.

'I'm a little tied up today but what would your girlfriend say?'

'My girlfriend???'


Virginia called Alti right away. "What are you talking about?"

"Isn't Tamara your girlfriend?"

"Who told you that?"

"Melody." Of course, Melody would. That was the story they gave her and Alti was a safe bet to talk to about it but why tell Alti? "So, what's the story? Are you two together or not?"

Would it be a good idea to tell Alti the truth? What would it hurt? Who would it hurt? "The truth of it is, she asked me to pretend to be her girlfriend this weekend because she didn't want to be here alone."


"It's complicated."

"Uncomplicate it."

"It's not my story to uncomplicate."

"Fine. Will I see you later?"

"I'm supposed to come to the dinner tonight after the rehearsal but I'm not sure if I'm welcomed anymore." Especially, after the phone conversation Melody had with Tamara the night before. She could only wonder what they were discussing over lunch.

"I'll talk to my brother."

"You don't have to do that."

"It's fine. I want to see you later." Virginia knew she wouldn't be able to persuade Alti to drop it. "I'll call you back."

Virginia returned home and worked on the changes that Lauren had requested of her. It was hard to focus on the task, on the numbers when her mind continued to wander to Tamara and whether or not, Melody had sunk her claws even deeper into Tamara's heart. Then an incoming call came in from Tamara as if the woman had read her mind from across town.


"I just spoke with Lauren. Have you finished making those changes?"

Her mood deflated now that she knew the reason for the call was work related. "I'm just about done. I'll send them as soon as possible."

"Thank you."

Then silence followed but the call was still connected. "Was that all?"


"Okay," Virginia intoned and waited.

"I actually didn't call you for that reason. I needed to get out of an awkward conversation with Melody's mother." Melody's mother wanted to know when Tamara was getting married and if there was a man in her life. Seemingly, the news of Tamara's sexuality wasn't shared with Melody's mother by her mother. It was something that was never discussed or repeated. "I hate lying so I told her that I had to check on work," Tamara spoke to someone in the background before she returned to the conversation. "But I told Lauren that I had you tied up with something else so it's fine. She will wait until you're done."

"It won't be much longer. I just need to focus."

"I'm sorry if I broke that focus."

"No. I'm glad you called." Virginia stood up from her chair and began to pace. "You were on my mind and I wanted to call but I didn't want to be a bother."

"Call about what?"

"I just wanted to know how things were going with Melody."

"It's better than it was for now."

"I see." Virginia inwardly sighed. "Well, that's good."

"About the dinner later," Tamara began and Virginia knew what was coming next, "you don't have to come if you don't want to." There it was. "It's just that Melody wouldn't like it and she made a good point about you feeling out of place, being the odd one out. You are still invited to the wedding, of course."

"How thoughtful of her." It was a sarcastic quip that she hoped Tamara picked up on. "I would stay and talk to you longer but I have to get this report done."

"You sound upset."

"I'm fine. I'll talk to you later."

Virginia ended the call and resisted the urge to throw her phone. Tamara was crazy, she was crazy for allowing Melody to manipulate her the way she does and she almost felt sorry for her boss for the amount of hurt she will soon endure at Melody's hands.

Her phone chimed with a message from Alti that dissipated her anger. 'Spoke with John and it's fine. Meet us at the restaurant at 7:30.'

Should she go, when she knew Melody didn't want her there? Her mind screamed yes if only to see the look on Melody's face at her presence.

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