Chapter 7

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Virginia had spent most of the welcome party catching up with Alti, who was happy to entertain her while Tamara was tied up with every task that Melody gave her. It was very likely that Melody intentionally kept her away but it was also possible that her title of maid of honor meant that her time belonged to the bride.

Of course, Virginia didn't mind all the time she had with Alti and if it wasn't for Tamara's insistence on taking her home, she would have spent the night with Alti.

"I'm sorry we didn't get much time together tonight." Tamara put the car in park and turned off the engine. "I figured I'd be tied up but I thought she wouldn't depend on me so heavily knowing I had you there."

"She feels threatened. I wouldn't be surprised if she was doing it intentionally."

"You look like you had a good time with Alti though," Tamara commented, changing the subject and Virginia wondered if she sensed a tinge of jealousy.

"I did. She tried to keep me entertained considering."

She was sure another apology was coming but Tamara's phone interrupted it with a message from Melody.

"It's Melody." Tamara showed her the message that came through to her phone. 'What time will you be back at the hotel?' "I told her to meet me at my hotel room."

Virginia didn't know why but Tamara's statement disappointed her. Well, she knew why. "Do you know why I stayed at the party tonight?"


"Because I knew she didn't want me there and if I left, she would have won. I would be out of the way and with you, she doesn't have to work hard." Virginia turned in her chair to face Tamara. "I don't know how you are playing this game but if you keep giving her what she wants, you will continue to be without. She knows she has control over you and she's going to use that power. It's obvious she doesn't respect me as your girlfriend and you're allowing the disrespect by going to her every time she calls." Virginia realized then she was getting a bit carried away, speaking as if she was truly Virginia's girlfriend when it was just a ploy. "I'm sorry. I'm getting a bit carried away. I know this isn't real but I just can't stand how selfish she is being."

"She's not always like this."

"Don't make excuses for her." Tamara's phone rang in between them and they both observed that it was Melody calling. "Don't answer that."

"I should." Tamara reached for the phone but Virginia grabbed it first and answered the call, ordering Tamara to stay silent with a finger to her lips.

"Hi, Melody, it's Virginia."

"Where's Tamara?"

"She's," she looked over at her boss and for the first time, she didn't see the confident woman she was acquainted with during meetings at work. "She's in the shower. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Tamara was supposed to help me with the programs for the wedding."

"Oh," Virginia pretended to be disappointed, "She's exhausted from today and I want to get her into bed. She'll gladly help you tomorrow if that's okay. I'll even help."

"No, I wouldn't want to bother you and it's the bridal party's job."

"I see."

"Could you tell Tamara to call me once she's out of the shower?"


Then the call ended without any parting words and Virginia wished she could celebrate her success at pissing Melody off with someone but Tamara didn't look happy.

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