~ Chapter 3 ~

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~ Elizabeth ~

My hand was hooked into the curve of Charles arms as he walked me towards my sisters chambers. I must admit I would of been dreadfully lost in this palace without Charles guiding me.

We didn't speak a word knowing are presence with each other spoke louder than words. I took a second to observe Charles features. His long dirt brown hair held a small curl to it as his fitness to his body made him more stutter. Every step he took was with authority.

"Beth, you do know staring is impolite." Charles teased making eye contact with me. I blushed with a tint of crimson red on my cheek. But before I had the chance to make a snarky comment a familiar deep English accent voice interrupted. "CHARLES!".

I whipped my head around to be faced with the one and only, Henry Tudor. His face withheld a tint of pale to his face as tiredness was prompt in his voice. It appears my sister wasn't the only facing the disappointment of her miscarriage.

"Your Majesty." I curtsied when the King approached us. He went quite observing my physical appearance. The confusion on his face was the clear sign he did not  recognize me. A small smirk plastered upon my face at that thought. " I'm Lady Elizabeth Boleyn. It has been quite some time since we last endeavored each other." I cheerfully spoke with another curtsy.

The recognition dawned on his face as a small chuckle left his mouth. " My apologies, you have changed quite significantly since I last seen your presence." He gently spoke.

" I hope in a good way, your majesty." I hint of tease laced within my tone of voice. I looked over to Charles to see him lost in his own mind. I gently nudged his arm, which drew him back to reality.

" Of course, Lady Elizabeth. Now may you excuse me. I have an ambassador to indorse." He annoyingly spoke at the endorsement. Within in a second he swiftly maneuvered his way past Charles and I without speaking another word.

I felt a strange feeling, like I was being stared at from behind. I turned my head to be faced with the King staring at me. Once he was caught he quickly backed up an turned the corner. I brushed of the thought as I turned my attention to Charles.

"Shall we get a move on, I don't want Anne to worry?" I questioned connecting my arm back into the curve of his arm. Charles blank expression turned back into a happy one.

" We shall, M'i Lady." He teased before guiding me down the hallway.


I'm back!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I haven't been publishing chapters, but I'm back now. I made this one short because I wanted to publish something as soon as possible. I will be making a publishing chapter schedule for those who want to know when new chapters are being published. Though if I finish a chapter early, I will publish it earlier then the schedule.

Publishing schedule:

Monday ~ Wednesday ~ Friday

Bye for now👋

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