~ Chapter 20 ~

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~ Elizabeth ~

My eyes slowly blinked open as the sun decided to make its presence known. I felt a warmth body holding onto mine. I looked over to see Henry sleeping peaceful. His head was dug into the pillow as his arm was draped over my body.

I then felt the sharpness of soreness all over my body. The recollection of last night replayed in my head. Even with the throbbing pain, nothing but happiness is all I mentally felt.

Though my thoughts were quickly interrupted by the opening of the door. Three of my laddies, Lady Catherine, Lady Margaret, and Lady Joan walked in. They kept their voice downs as they made their way over to me. I'm assuming they're here to fetch me back to my own quarters.

"Your Majesty?" They spoke in a soft tone in unison surprised that I was already awake. They all gave me a deep curtsy. "It is time to make your way to your own quarters. We must prepare you for the day that lies ahead." Lady Catherine spoke gently pulling the sheets off my body. She helped me to my feet and swiftly helped me into my night gown. Lady Joan then put a robe on my body securing  the robe at my waist.

"We must make haste before the bustle of court awakens." Lady Catherine spoke once more. She was an older woman in her late thirties. She has been put charge of my household and making sure all is in order for me. She is already married to the Marques of Dorset. She was chosen by Henry, for she has spent a great deal at court and knows the ins and outs.

Lady Margaret was quick to peek outside the Kings quarters to see who may be lurking around. "There is no sign of anyone, Lady Cathrine." Her soft yet firm voice spoke.

"Good, let's get a move on, Your majesty." She started to shove me out the door and into the halls of the palace. We made haste down every hall. Lady Joan and Margaret went ahead of us to scope out anyone that may be passing by. It was undignified for a Queen to be walking in a night gown, so we had to be discreet.

Once we made it to the safety of the Queen quarters I could relax. My laddies let me step inside first before following suit. The rest of my laddies were gathered around the roaring fire gossiping among one another.
My servants were also about in my quarters, cleaning and tidying up.

My quarters look absolutely stunning. This is the first time I am seeing it after it was reconstructed to my taste. I went with an English theme. With reds and white and a touch of gold colors. It was perfect, fit for a Queen.

I was lost in my own thoughts observing every delicate detail in the living space. "Your Majesty?" Lady Catherine called out gently putting her hand on my shoulder. Pulling me out of my thoughts.

I looked over to see the rest of my laddies stood at an attention awaiting for my command. The servant all gave me a small curtsy as the passed by me. "A bath has already been prepared for you. Let us help you undress." The lady Catherine started to slowly peel the robe off my body.

"Lady Joan will assist me with my bath." I spoke wanting to hear about her night with Charles. I knew I couldn't ask her in front of the other laddies, incase they start a scandalous rumor. Once I get to know them more I will be able to seek out which ones will be loyal to me, and which ones that will share my secrets for their own gain at court.

"Of course, Your Majesty." All of my laddies spoke. Some had a look of disgust and jealousy towards the Lady Joan. While others were perfectly content going back to gossiping.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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