~ Chapter 12 ~

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~ Elizabeth ~

I took a sigh of breath as I entered through traitors gate. The weather has turned cold, almost as if it knew of my sister appending death.

Anne has been imprisoned for nearly two weeks, yet to no avail. The court of law will not allow her to be forgiven. Henry has tired to communicate with me, but I refuse to even look at his letters. My laddies either burn them or discharge them.

I walk inside the Tower, into the dungeons were my family are being held. Luckily my mother was allowed to be on house arrest at our families private residence.

"Open." I roughly announced to the guard next to the locked door. He stared at me for a moment in time before reluctantly opening the door. I took a deep breath in trying to settle my restless nerves. Walking onwards into the room.

Inside my brother laid on a tiny cot, while my father stared out the small window cell. My father has aged quite significantly since being arrested. Worry lines wrinkled his face. As exhaustion showed in his eyes. My brother seemed to be handling himself better then father.

"Elizabeth?" My father called out once he realized my presences at the door. My brother sat up on his cot, staring up at me.

My father walked over with open arms, evident of crying in his eyes. "Oh, father!" I spoke engulfing him in a tight hug. My father might not be the best of fathers, but he still mine.

"Elizabeth." He huskily voiced out. It broke my heart to see him in such pain. My father held onto me for dear life as if he let go even a little, I would disappear. I gently pulled away walking over to my brother. I gently sat on his cot, stroking his pale cheek.

"How are you both?" I question. Already knowing the answer to the question. My brother just looked down at his feet. "Have you heard anything, about Anne?" He asked instead of answering. It was evident he wanted to avoid talking about his situation.

Before I could answer, my father huffed in annoyance crossing his arms over his chest. "She the reason we're in this mess, you're really asking about her? Honestly, if she would of just kept her legs crossed. We wouldn't even be in the tower."

"Father!" I screeched at the top of my lungs, as I shot up from my spot on the cot."Your unbelievable, saying such things about your own daughter. For God sakes, just be on our your families side for once. Leave politics out of it, please!" I begged with pleading hands. "I'm so exhausted, from fighting to now having to deal with this."

I let out all I was feeling right there and then. I'm tired of keeping things to myself. I'm tired at every turn of life, something bad occurs. And every time my father finds someone else, but him to blame. Not saying this incident is his fault.

"Show.Some.Respect!" My father sneered in my face. "I am your father, an Earl, and part of His Majesty's Privy Council."

My blood and rage boiled at his choice of words. If he wanted to pull rank, two can play that game. "I am Her Grace, Duchess of Clarence. In my own right according to the law. An according to the law Dukedoms are more powerful then an Earldom. Try and pull rank on me father, you won't win." I sneered walking closer to him. Staring deep into his eyes with rage.

We stayed in silence staring down one another. George stayed quite staring at us with shock, not knowing what to say.

"Now bow!" I snapped at him once more. My father eyes glared of shock at my words. Nonetheless he took a step back giving me a bow. "Your Grace."

I snickered in the inside at his obedience. "I am trying my best to get these charge dropped, but don't think for a second I won't have you thrown back in here." I pointed my finger before departing the room.

"Your Grace." The guard spoke quietly giving me a small head bow. I smiled in appreciation before walking over to him. I took out a small coin pouch handing it to him. "See to it that my brother gets fresh air, you can let my father rot."

I walked away making my way outside. I took a huff of  air letting reality sink in. My hardest efforts to save my family seem to be failing. I fear that they all will be executed before the end of spring.

I looked up at the tower to see my sister staring back at me from a window on the top level. Her depression of pain, painted her pale face. A single tear fell from her right eye, sliding down her cheek. It pained me to see her in this agony state. I tried to visit her, but every time the guard refused my request.

My attention was turned away from Anne as the shouting of my name was heard. I turned around to see Henry riding up to me on his horse. "Elizabeth!" He shouted again.

I rolled my eyes attempting to walk away. I heard him jump off the horse. "Wait, Elizabeth!" He shouted again. I heard heavy footsteps before an arm reaches out and hooks onto my shoulder, turning me around.

"Let me go." I spoke tearing his arm off my shoulder. My body raged full of anger at his presence. "What do you want Henry?"

His face looked heart broken and my distaste for him. I would be lying if I didn't say my heart broke a tiny amount for his pain. Though my anger for what he has put my sister through, shined more.

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't want it to be like this, believe me. I love you with every inch of my body-" I cut him off.

"Like the way you loved my sister or Catherine of Aragon, but now look at them. You betrayed them Henry. You left them alone to suffer." Tear started to spill out of my eyes. I just can't kept all the pain I feel inside any longer.

"I know, I know. I am a bad person, but I'm willing to change for you. Please, give me the chance." He pleaded. "How?" I questioned crossing my arms.

"Marry me, I will spare you brother and father if you do. I need a Queen and I only want you." He spoke gathering my hands in his. I froze in shock not knowing what to say. It took me a few seconds to wrap my mind around his words.

"What-what about my sister? I can't betray her, what will happen to her?" His face drop to a sadden smile, confirming what I already knew.

"I can't pardon her, she must face the consequences of her actions. Though, I am willing to spare the other. Just agree to my term and I'll set them free."

I thought long and hard in silence. Will it be worth marrying the man who will be killing my sister? who I also secretly still in love with. I would be betraying her, my own sister for my happiness. Of course my father would approve of it. The only thing he has cared for about his daughter, were there ability to reproduce.

"Ok-" I quietly said, leaving Henry in shock. He probably thought I would deny him, but if there is a chance of saving at least a fraction of my family. I'll do it.

"I'll marry you."


Hey Readers,

I'm back!!!! I hope your enjoying the story so far!
Sorry I haven't been posting lately. I'll try and post more chapters as soon as possible.

Bye for now 👋

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