~ Chapter 18 ~

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~ Elizabeth ~

Large crowds had started to gather around the road that lead to Westminster. I was seated in open carriage, so everyone could have a view at their future Queen. My vail though was making it difficult for them to see my face.

It took nearly an hour of endless crowds and road, tell I finally arrived at Westminster Abbey. Crowds swarmed around my carriage as it came to an abrupt stop. The royal guards were quick to push the crowds back, so I could safely enter the Abbey.

"Take my hand, Your Grace." One of the royals guards spoke. Offering me his hand to take. I gave him an appreciative nod with my head, before grabbing onto his hand.

I slowly stepped off of the carriage onto the dirt road. Five of my laddies quickly came to my aid. Lifting my train, so it wouldn't be full of dirt and muck.

Mary came to my side holding my arm as she helped into the Abbey. The outer double doors shut behind us when we entered.

My father stood waiting for me. He was dressed in his best attire. The same attire he had previously wore when walking Anne down the aisle, during her small wedding ceremony.

"Father." Mary spoke sharply. Giving him a small curtsy. Our father payed no attention to her. Pretending her presence was not there.

"Elizabeth! You look stunning my dear." My father spoke giving me a small bow of the head. He was carefully with his choices of words. I'm guessing due to the fact I am about to be his queen. Which means I can kick him out of court, with the flick of my finger. The atmosphere began to grow thick and cold.

"Mary, you should go take a seat with the rest of the family, before the ceremony begins." I spoke allowing her to leave the room. She gave me a grateful look with her eyes, before descending away from the conversation.

"Be nice father, especially after what Mary has gone through these past years." I snapped. My father just rolled his eyes in response.

"Those years wouldn't have been tough, if she only would have chosen the right husband." My father snapped back coming to my side. He connected his arm with mine.

"Mary, married her husband out of love. You cannot blame her for that. Finding true love comes around for only so many women in our position." I took a long pause before continuing. " and for the record her husband will have a noble title, along with Mary and their offspring's. Henry has agreed to gift Mary and her husband a Viscount title." My words had my father fuming.

" Elizabeth, you cannot be serious! William is a commoner and has no nobility blood in him-" I cut him off before he could go further.

"But Mary does, and the King has signed off on it. I know you well enough to know you wouldn't go against the King's word, so drop it father!" I sneered. He didn't get a chance to add another thought in, as the inner doors to the Abbey opened.

The hundreds of guest invited to celebrate this monumental occasion turned their bodies to face me. Giving me their undivided attention. All invited guests were hand picked by Henry or I. Henry had the main say in guests, for I didn't care as much of who came. I just wanted to have the people I hold dearest in my heart at my wedding.

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