~ Chapter 5 ~

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~ Henry ~

It has been a few days since Elizabeth's return to my Court, and since then I haven't been able to get her out of my head. My wife seems to be on the mend, though she and I still yield for our dead son.

Today I have decided to throw a celebration over my wife's speedy recovery. In due hopes she will let me bed her once more. My patients with her has grown thin. I have even consulted Thomas Cromwell on alternative, if my wife proves to be unable to bare me a son.

" Your majesty's." The angelic voice pulled me from my thoughts. I was sitting on my throne next to my wife, who slowly creased my hand that was tangled with hers. Elizabeth walked up giving us a small curtsy. I couldn't help but admire her beauty.

She was wearing a bright blue gown with a square cut on her chest that boasted out her chest cleavage. The skirt slit in the front showed an embroidered silk cloth with white and gold patternes. With a French hood with the same color of blue as her gown, with golden pearls laced on the outskirts. Three long pearl necklaces dangling from her neck.

" Lady Elizabeth, you look exquisite tonight! I'm glad you could attend."I spoke over the loud music coming from the musical instruments.

" Thank you, your majesty." She blushed at that compliment looking down at her feet. I looked over to my wife to see her pleased with Elizabeth and I's acquaintances. " I do hope with the improvement of the Queen'a health, a son will be born before the next winter." Elizabeth spoke with confidence.

" Thank you, dear sister." Anne gleefully spoke up after sitting in silence. Elizabeth gave us one last curtsy before heading to the dance area.

" Henry?" Anne purred out my name. I held my annoyance inside as I turned to face her. "Yes, sweetheart?"

" I was thinking. We could arrange a marriage for Elizabeth to Henry Richmond, the new Duke of Cumberland. I hear he is looking for a wife, one of high status. I believe Elizabeth would be a perfect match for his grace." I gritted my teeth at the thought.

I know the feelings I feel for Elizabeth is a sin, but god be dammed. I can't stop them nor do I wish for them to stop.

"I will think on the matter, now excuse me." I snapped before heading to the dance area. I seen Elizabeth dancing her heart out with many of the noblemen. Her smile could lighten up a room full of despair men. She was like a lit candlelight in a room of darkness.

" Lady Elizabeth, would you care to dance." I asked  holding out my hand for her to grab. She was currently preoccupied with the Earl of Essex, but nevertheless curtsied a farewell to the Earl before gently taking my hand.

"Your majesty." She cheerful spoke. It was like our hands were molded to perfection for one another, as both are hands connected together. We slowly started to glided with the rhythm of the music.

"Your sister has spoken to me about a proposition on your behalf." I stated after due time in silence. Enjoying each others embrace.

"Do tell, your majesty." She urged me to continue my thought. Her curiosity spiraled in her eyes.

"please, call me Henry. No need for formality." I looked over to see Anne watching my ever movement with Elizabeth, a hint of jealous glazed her eyes. I opted to ignore her vulgar act and put my attention back on Elizabeth.

" You sister thinks the Duke of Cumberland and yourself, would be an excellent match for marriage." I tried to contain my annoyance at the flimsy idea. " you may speak your mind freely, Lady Elizabeth." I spoke up. Once I seen her uneasy at my words.

" I have always wished to marry for love, not for advancement or entitlement. Though I have also wished to gain my own entitlement, but women are not aloud to hold such things." She sadly spoke the truth. Looking down to her feet as we danced.

" You know I can grant you that wish, along with the guarantee you may marry who you please. After all I am the king." I told her with a smirk.

A bright smile crept onto her face, causing a smile to form on my face as well. To see her happy, made my heart flutter in ways no other women has before.

" Why would do that, for me?" She questioned.

" It is a question, I'll only answer if you agree to stay at English court and let me get to know you... and your beauty." I smirked making her lost for words. I looked ahead as I took her hand spinning her around me.

I catch her against my chest as the music comes to an end. She looks deep into my eyes, as I into hers. "Come with me." I spoke as everyone applauded the musicians. I took this opportunity to grab her hand and escaped the ball room without being detected.

" Where are we going!" She shouted in giggles as I ran with her through the halls. She held her gown in a fist so she wouldn't trip on the length of her gown.

We finally turned a corner into a darkened hallway. Stopping in front of big glass window. I unhooked my hand from hers. Opening the window to let the beam of the moon shine in.

" Look." I told her pointing with my head at the sky above. She slowly stepped in front of me curiously looking up.

I watched as her face light up in fascination. "Wow, the stars are so beautiful. I have never seen the sky filled with so many of them."

I gently put my hands on her shoulders. Taking my eyes off the sky to look down at her beauty. " You can only see this amount of stars at certain times of the night. Many astrologers believe the stars are the eyes into the heavens. They believe the dead can look down on us from them." I spoke barely in a whisper. Letting the quietness fill around us.

" That is so beautiful, have you ever told my sister that?"she questioned turning her neck to look into my eyes.

" Only you, my love. Only you."


Hey Readers 👋,

Hope you enjoyed the new chapter!!!!! I was planning on posting this yesterday, but didn't get around to it.

On a scale 1-10 (1 being the least and ten being the most). How interesting do you find this story, so far?—————————>

If you would like for something to happen in the book. Let me know and I will try to incorporate it into
the story. —————————>

Bye for now!!!

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