Chapter 6

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"Did I stutter?"

*Emily and Sam's Backyard*

"If the redhead's after Bella, we can use her as bait."
Jared suggests and Nina tilt her head to the side debating on it.

"She is not bait."
Jacob said to Nina and threw a spading fork at her. To which she caught with ease. Embry, Paul and Jared glared harshly at him.

"You're on thin ice, black."
Embry snapped walking towards Jake before Sam pushed him back.

"Enough. Jake and Nina, you need to sort out your guys' problem."
Sam looked between the two, but both teens were not making any eye contact.

"Nina, you need to quit provoking Jacob's anger. And Jacob you need to stop taking Nina's comments seriously."
Sam said sternly.

"Yeah, Jacob."
Nina teased that earned a slap in the back of the head by Sam.

"Okay, this is how we are going to handle this. Nina say everything you have been holding in, that way you don't let those thoughts slip out at the absolute worst timing."
Sam told Nina while Jacob rolled his eyes.

"I don't think Bella should be included in on any shape shifter business, I think you need to get out of her ass and actually think about those who really do care about you. It feels like this pack cares more about you than you care about us. I hate how we have to put all of our lives on the line so that Bella can live in La-La land with her leeches, because when has she or will ever be there for any of us. She's obviously never been there for you."
Nina vented and Jake started shaking rapidly.

Sam warned putting a hand on his shoulder but Jacob quickly pushed it off. Jacob went right in front of Nina and glared at her, Nina returned the glare instantly.

"You don't mean that."
Jacob said more trying to get Nina to just obey and drop it.

"Did I stutter?"
Nina asked with venom. Sam shoved them both away from each other. Embry and Jared held Nina back and Paul held Jacob back.

"Enough. Nina, go take a walk let off some steam. Jared or Embry go with her."
Sam ordered. Nina got out of their hold running before shifting. Embry followed shifting as well.

'Ugh, this is bullshit!'
Nina said with pure frustration ramming her head into the tree.

'I know, but everything will be alright. You need to breathe before we go back to Jake.'
Embry advised and Nina started to take deep breaths. He went over to Nina and rubbed his head against hers to calm her down a bit and it worked.

'You ready?'
Embry asked and Nina looked at him.

She sighed before running a little far away to a stashed clothes bag for her.

Nina shifted back and changed before going back and Embry was there already. They were all waiting for her.

"There's going to be a meeting, Harry Clearwater is in the hospital for a heart attack and we need to discuss the consequences of you disobeying me."
Sam told us then directed his gaze to Nina who looked irritated.

"When did I disobey the ever so perfect king."
Nina snapped and Sam growled lowly.

"Get rid of that attitude, that's all I've been hearing since you've phased."
Sam demanded but Nina rolled her eyes with a scoff.

"Uh oh."
Jared mumbled, Embry came in front of Nina protectively.

"Sam, she's just phased I'm sure she doesn't mean everything she says. It's probably just her wolf's temper."
Embry tried to defend but Sam snapped his eyes at him.

"This is between me and her. She needs to know her place, step aside now."
Sam used his alpha voice and Embry winced and stepped aside with no choice.

"You are not Alpha, you are my second. You get a say when it involves the whole packs lives, that's it. This is my pack, you follow my rules and you do not disobey me anymore. You will say that I am your alpha, this moment."
Sam raised his voice the most stern he has ever used.

"I am your alpha."
Nina witted looking directly in his eyes.

"She did say what you told her to."
Jared shrugged with a smirk.

"Everyone but Nina inside."
Sam growled still in eye contact of Nina. Everyone looked between the two, Embry gulped.

Embry started but was cut off.

Sam ordered. Embry looked at his imprint before nodding slowly, following the others.

"You are through playing these games. I am done going easy on you. The next witty comment you make will wind you up for patrol every free moment you have. When you get out of school you patrol, you finish patrol you come here have a meal, go to sleep, wake up have a meal then go out to patrol before school. That would be your routine.
Every. Single. Day. And on weekends you get an hour break before you patrol all day then you come back here sleep, then patrol the next morning. Is that clear?!"
Sam used his full potential alpha voice through the whole lecture. It made Nina cringe lowering her head.

Nina answered quietly.

"Good, you're free to go inside. I'm going to go take a patrol."
Sam said before running into the forest. Nina walked inside and saw everyone eating.

"Should've listened."
Jake teased in a sing-along voice. Nina picked up the remote on the couch and threw it at his head when he looked away.

Jake said rubbing his head. Emily came out with a bowl of muffins before snapping her eyes at Nina.

"Be nice to your brother. You heard what Sam said now behave. Take a muffin, maybe that'll cool you down."
Emily disciplined Nina and passed her a muffin. Nina easily caught it with no objections to Emily's lecture.

Nina walked over to Embry and sat on his lap. They were sat at the wooden table. Embry wrapped his arms around her, placing his head on her shoulder. The door opened to see Old Quil, we all looked at each other confused.
"Quil shifted."
Old Quil tells us and all of us hurry outside.


A lot of drama happened in this chapter and not so much Nina and Embry moments. But Quil is finally coming into this book after a break.

Also, the drama with Jacob and Nina will end soon, I promise.

You can comment some ideas if you'd like.

Have a good morning/day/night.

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