Part 9 "Bullshit"

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(^^^If your not listening listening wallows what are you doing. For anyone who knows the wallows band I know they didn't come out back then but I love their music to much not to include it somehow)

They spent the day together Billy and Steve took the kids to get the arcade, ice cream, to see a movie as well then after a car ride of blasting the wallows, they dropped the kids off to their houses, El gave Steve a kiss on the cheek and smiled sincerely. He smiled back at her warmly, And Will hugged Steve and silently thanked him.

Sunday evening:

Billy and Steve were driving back to Steve's house and they were talking about what they should do "Hey I think Tommy is having a party tonight" Steve suddenly remembered what happened just last night with Tommy "oh and you wanna go?" He questioned nervously " maybe, I know he's a douche but it could still be fun".

"Ok sure we can go then" Steve said reluctantly. They drove back to Billy's house so he could get some clothes to pack for Steve's house, Steve drove up to Billy's house slowly, Billy looking for Neil's car, his heart sink when he saw it.

Billy shaking gets out of the car remembering the last time he saw Neil was when he beat Billy, Steve rolled down his window and called out to Billy knowing what was wrong "Hey Billy if you don't wanna go in you don't have to" Steve said.

"No, no its fine" he said walking up to his front door, He opened it slowly and saw Neil passed out on the couch, he slowly walked past him and to his room, packing enough clothes for a week or so.

Once he was done he went to Max's room to check on her, he opened her door to see her sitting on her bed with her skateboard trying to fix it. She looked up, her eyes meeting his. His face softened and he came in and sat on her bed.

"Billy why are you here? I just saw you earlier" she asked "I'm gonna be with Steve for a bit is that ok?" He asked Sincerely wanting her feedback. "Yeah of course Billy". She threw herself on him, squeezing him with a warm embrace, he was taken back but hugged her back tightly smiling.

He let go of her but still held her arms "alright I'm gonna go now ok?, I'll see you soon" he said getting ready to walk out she nodded as he walked to her door "Hey billy?" She said before he could go.

"Yeah?" he turned to look at her with his hand still on the doorknob "if Steve i- it's ok". She said slightly smiling.

"Thanks max" he said, happy she was ok with that. "Of course your my brother, what kind of sister would I be if I wasn't supportive" she said "I love you" he simply said. You could tell he really meant it.

"I love you too" she stated, and with that he walked out shutting her door quietly. He walked back to the living room heading towards the front door he glanced over at the couch, thankfully Neil was still there asleep. He quietly walked out, thankfull nothing happened.

He ran up to Steve's car with his bag hopping in. "Ready?" Steve asked glancing over at him "yeah" he said feeling genuinely happy for the first time in a while. Steve started driving back to his house so they could change for the party
Steve's favorite wallows song came on the radio "oh my God YES" it was "I don't want to talk" Billy looked over at Steve seeing how happy he looked as Steve started singing.

"If I reflect, look back on that other place and time..." he started singing along Billy just laughed at this and felt so happy he finally had someone.

Steve looked over at him and winked, then continued singing while hitting the steering wheel trying to match the beats to the song.

"When you left for awhile and I kind if lost my mind" Steve continued singing along
"Realized the older I get, I get more insecure" he looked over at Billy "if I don't have you by my side then I can't be sure" he hit his steering wheel four times to match the beat".


They arrived at Steve's house both going upstairs to change. Billy putting on a leather jacket nothing underneath and some tight dark jeans, Steve put on a simple black shirt, jacket, and snug fitting jeans. He grabbed some shades and they left.


They arrived to Tommy's house there were already a lot of cars parked outside and people everywhere. They parked further back to not been seen showing up together.

As they walked in they saw lots of people dancing, drinking, puking. Steve saw Nancy there already drinking alot, she also noticed him, and ran up to him.

"Oh my gosh Steve hiii" she said clearly intoxicated She dragged him away from Billy, not even nothing him, Billy nodded at Steve letting him know it was ok to go with her, he trusted him after all. Tommy was watching Billy and Steve walk in. He observed them together and the way they interacted. He could see something was up. He himself was already tipsy. He then approached Billy.

Nancy was chatting with Steve as she continued drinking alot "alright Nancy that's enough for you" he said gently taking the cup from her hands "H- hey Steve what the fuckkk" she said slurring her words.

"Nancy your drunk, you don't need more" he said trying to help her "ugh Steve you have a stick up your ass" she said glaring at him, her eyes piercing his.

"Ok Nancy calm down I'm just trying just trying help" he said, she rolled her eyes grabbing another cup and starting to fill it up "Nancy! You don't need more" he said attempting to take the cup from her. She pulled it back causing it to spill on her white top, creating a large red stain.

She gasped feeling the cold, wet liquid seep through her clothes onto her skin "Steve seriously what the fuck" people around them started to notice what was occurring
"I'm sorry ok" she walked away looking for a bathroom as he followed her.

He stood at the door while she aggressively wiped her shirt "it's not coming off Nancy" he said "It's coming!" She said drunkly.
"Nancy let me call Jonathon to take you home ok?" He said "No! It was fine until you spilled the drink on me" she said "Nancy I told you to stop drinking" he attempted to speak but was cut off by her "Bullshit!" She spoke "its not bullshit" he said "Bullshit!!" She said louder.

"It's not bullshit Nancy" he said "no you, your bullshit" "what?" He asked.

"You Steve, your bullshit, our relationship was bullshit, we always acted like we loved each other" she said glaring at him "you didn't love me?" He asked holding her cheek "it's bullshit". he let go and stormed out of the bathroom slamming the door behind him, leaving her.

(Authors note)
I tried to make the Nancy and Steve scene just like the show but had to reword it a bit to fit my story, its getting juicy tho.

1240 words

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