Part 13 "We care"

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(TW: Mentioms of SA)

Steve walked up to his door, putting his hand on the knob, turning it and opening the door slowly. He looked inside and didn't see Billy yet, he walked all the way in, still shirtless and in his red shorts.

He walked around looking for Billy, walking up to his bedroom, the door was cracked open, he pushed it, opening it halfway then seeing Billy sitting on Steve's bed. Billy turned and saw a shirtless bruised Steve standing there. "Oh my God Steve what happened to you?!" Billy said

"I- I got in a fight" Steve said, his head hanging low. "What! Tommy told me the kids came and dragged you away from work" Billy said "that's definitely not true Tommy was the one I fought" Steve said.

"Are you fucking kidding me, I mean I saw him looking beat up and I just figured he got into a fight with someone else" Billy said looking at Steve's face.

"No, yeah he didn't it was with me, he uhm.." Steve went silent, not sure how to tell Billy what happened. "He what?" Billy said sternly, looking pissed. " he just uhm.." Steve started to tear up, remembering what Tommy did to him.

"Baby, what did he do? Did he..?" Billy started to get the idea of what Tommy did to Steve "Tell me he didn't". Steve started to cry hugging Billy, Billy of course hugged back, Steve's reaction conformed what Billy was thinking.

Billy held Steve for awhile, moving them to Steve's bed so they could be more comfortable. Steve layed on Billy's bare chest crying, as Billy played with Steve's hair holding him tightly.

Steve eventually fell asleep, Billy was still awake thinking, imagining what happened to Steve and how he was there with him but had no clue what was happening, he imagined himself beating the shit out of Tommy for what he did to Steve. He planned to ask Steve more about it later to know exactly exactly happened, he wondered how Steve got away.

Billy was drifting off to sleep as well but was soon awoken by knocking on the front door. He groaned rolling his eyes, "Jesus why are people always coming over here" He thought.

Billy slowly got up, careful to not wake Steve, because he needed to sleep. He went downstairs and up to Steve's door, opening it and being met with the kids, of course.

They all stood there giving Billy a look, they didn't expect to be there, but they weren't surprised. "Yes?" Billy asked annoyed. Dustin showed him their d&d game and gave him a "duh" look. "Guys today's not as good day ok, I'm being very serious" he said  raising his eyebrows.

"What. Why what happened?" Dustin questioned, "is Steve ok??" Mike asked.
"Not really, something happened today and he isn't in the right state of mind for yakl to be here" Billy said. "What? What do you mean, what happened?" Lucas questioned.

"It's hard to answer, I don't even fully know myself" Billy said "ok what do you mean I'm lost" Dustin said. "Guys just come back another time ok?" Billy pleaded. "No, we care about Steve, he is like our mom" Lucas stated.

"Were coming in" Dustin said attempting to push past Billy but he didn't budge. "Jesus just move Billy" Max said pushing past him.
They all followed her in as Billy rolled his eyes, they sat down on the floor.

"Guys seriously?" Billy said "yes seriously" Mike answered in a sassy tone. "Now tell us everything you know about what happened, because we care" Max said. Billy sighed and gave in. Beginning to explain all he knew.


Steve woke up in a sweat, breathing hard and fast. He wiped his forehead and noticed Billy wasn't there with him anymore. He got up feeling dried tears on his cheek, he rubbed his face feeling slightly dizzy.

He wondered downstairs, and heard noises the further he went down. When he got to the bottom of the stairs he saw the kids and Billy there, Billy was sitting with them playing their game, they were teaching him how to play, he was laughing and trying his best, Steve thought this sight was adorable, as Billy looked like a dad. They all noticed Steve standing there.

"Steve!" El said getting up and running over to him hugging him tightly, he smiled and hugged her back. "What's this for?" He asked. "Because I love you" she said letting go and looking up at him smiling. "Aw I love you to kiddo". He said, he felt all warm inside.

"So guys what's going on?" He questioned sitting on the couch "well we came here to play d&d, and Billy told us you were asleep" Dustin said. "Oh" was all Steve could say as he zoned out remembering what happened, Billy put his hand on Steve's knee rubbing it, snapping Steve out of his trance.

"Steve are you ok?" Billy asked concerned.
Steve nodded looking Billy in the eyes, Steve's eyes were glistening as they got teary, but Steve didn't cry. He quickly got up. "Do yall want me to make some food?" 
Steve asked. "No, no its fine Steve just rest for once" Lucas said, they all agreed. Steve nodded and sat back down watching them continue their game.

He smiled at how cute Billy looked trying to learn it, Steve was laying on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, Billy and Steve occasionally made eye contact. After a while Billy left the game and sat with Steve cuddling, they weren't afraid to hide themselves around the younger ones as they basically knew by now.

Billy yanked Steve's blanket from Steve as he sat down with him getting closed, Steve groaned. "Billy I'm cold, give me my blanket back" Steve said making a sad face.

"C'mere then" Billy said opening his arms. Steve climbed into Billy's lap as they cuddled, Billy put the blanket on them so Steve would be warm.

They kids watched them and thought it was adorable, Max especially was happy for her brother, she had never seen him so happy, she could tell Billy loved Steve.

While the kids were playing Billy grabbed the remote and put on a movie for him and Steve, it was a nice night for everyone.

While they were watching the movie Billy wrapped his arms around Steve's waist, Steve got the chills since his body was so cold but we're met with Billy's warm hands
Billy's hand explored Steve's body rubbing his chest, feeling all the way down to his
V line.

Steve bit his lip and tried to focus on the movie, Billy saw a nervous Steve and put his head over Steve's shoulder so their eyes met, his look asked for Steve's permission not wanting to make Steve uncomfortable.
Steve nodded his head slightly and Billy continued feeling him up.

Steve closed his eyes enjoying Billy's touch.
Billy's hands traveled down past Steve's
V line touching his crotch slightly causing Steve to let out a small noise.

Billy immediately pulled his hands back up to Steve's chest, remembering the kids were there so he couldn't do much.

The kids finally finished their game after a few hours and said their goodbyes to goodbyes to Steve and Billy, Will gave Steve a quick hug before running out with the rest of the kids, they all left on their bikes.

It was now 1am and Billy and Steve were still laying down, to tired to move. Billy was in the mood, but knew Steve wasn't ready considering what just happened to him, so Billy put aside his desires and focused on making Steve feel better, taking things as slow as Steve wanted.

He didn't mind waiting.

Steve got off Billy's lap and went into the kitchen grabbing a drink for himself and taking off his boxers throwing them into his laudry basket. He walked back over to Billy on his boxers and lazily sat down oh him to continue watching TV.

They soon went upstairs together and fell asleep cuddling, they decided they would skip school tomorrow and spend time together instead.

(Authors note)
I loved this chapter tbh I have fun whenever I'm writing about the kids too
Their will soon be some kind of smut dw

1394 words

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