Chapter 16

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Avery Romano

It is now 3am and Bea will be leaving for the safe house in a few hours time. She was still soundly asleep while I had no intentions of falling asleep, knowing that we will be separated once again. And I'm afraid that we will be separated for good this time round. Fear was not the feeling that was gripping my heart, it was guilt. 

I had promised Bea that we will never separate again, but here I am going against my promise with her. And Vincenzo. Mason. I'm breaking all of my promises with them and the immense guilt was consuming me from the inside. 

Decided to head downstairs for a breather, I found Mason seated at the kitchen counter. He turned his head towards me when he heard the faint footsteps of mine approaching him. He must have found out what was going to happen. He sighed softly as he stood up from the counter and tried to leave but I stopped him,"I'm sorry Mason, I'm sorry if you're disappointed in me." 

He halted in his steps and turned back to face me. I met his eyes and they were slightly red around the brim of his eyes. I lowered my gaze, refusing to see the pain shone in his eyes. 

"You should know how big of a risk that you're making, Ave. could have discussed it with me first." He whispered at a higher tone, his hands falling defeatedly by his side.

"And what could you have done,Mason? They were going to use Bea as a bait to lure the culprit out. I won't sit still and let that happen. No way in hell I would watch that." My voice came out harsher than I had expected. 

"I...We could have came up with something else instead, you don't have to do this, Ave." He sounded desperate, but so was I.

"There's nothing we can do besides to watch Bea acting like a bait. Mason, I know you're worried for me, but I can't let anything happen to her again." Tears quickly welled up in my eyes, feeling lost in my own feelings once more. 

"And what if we ended up losing you instead?" His question got my breath hitched in my throat. 

"Whether I will be able to get out of this alive or dead, it will be up to fate. Mason, I will be okay. Nothing will happen to me. So please, trust me." Hesitation was written clearly over his face but he decided to give me the benefit of doubt and moved forward to pull me into his embrace. 

"Please be safe, Ave." He whispered lightly in my hair as I ran my hands lightly up his back, engraving this moment in my heart. I was not sure if I was capable to keep my promise.

Ariana Romano

Tossing myself over to another side, I felt that the left side of the bed was cold. Eliz was already up? Stifling a yawn, I sat in the bed and glanced over at the clock. It was only 8am. 

Just then, Eli entered the room with a soft knock. He shot a small smile at me and greeted,"Morning, Ari." I muttered a soft 'morning' back at him and looked at him in a daze. 

"Ari, you have to grab whatever you need and pack up your things now. We are leaving for another place." His words woke me up as I tilted my head up and looked at him questioningly. 

"Where are we going? And where is Eliz?" Just as I finished my sentence, she walked into the room. She smiled at me and ignored Eli's presence. 

"Eliz, are you going to pack your stuff too?" I asked, as she was just about to step into the bathroom. 

She turned back and looked at me, shaking her head,"I'm not leaving with you. I will be there a few days later." I frowned at her words then looked at Eli, who was probably waiting for me to make a move,"Then I will head there with Eliz." 

She set her things down onto the bathroom counter and came out,"Bea, you should head there first. I still have pending projects to submit by this week so I will finish them and meet you there." I tried to open my mouth and protest but one firm look from Eliz and I swallowed my words back and replied unwillingly,"All right then, I will wait for you there." She nodded stiffly at my answer. 

"We will set off by 9.30am, so just grab all your essentials." Eli informed and left the room. Getting off my bed, I then headed to my room to pack up my items. 

Avery Romano

Holding in my tears in the bathroom, I fiddled with the necklace which I've gotten with Bea at the mall. We got it in a pair and she had the other half of the moon which had the letter 'B' engraved on it while I had the letter 'E'. Splashing water on my face, I inhaled deeply before I stepped out of the bathroom. 

I helped Bea to pack up with whatever she need and we were ready at downstairs by 9.15am. Elijah, Lorenzo, and Gabriel were already standing there waiting while I noticed Mason, Lucas and Mateo were standing at one side. The rest were nowhere to be seen. 

Lorenzo picked up Bea's luggage and was ready to leave when Bea pulled me into a tight hug. She whispered,"Quickly finish up your projects and join us there." I nodded at her words, feeling the warmth from our hug for the last time before we pulled away. 

I mustered the best smile that I could afford and replied,"Take care of yourself and stay safe, Ariana." She smiled widely and waved goodbye to the rest before heading out of the house with those three. Once the door closed, my heart sunk. But somehow, I felt relieved. 

Relieved that she was getting away from this house, away from the danger that she was going to face. Off to a safer place. Turning around, I headed back to my room. 

update! short chapter for the night as I was busy with work today WJNKNsWKN 

so excited for the shit that's about to happen from this chapter onwards YAYYY

Happy reading! -6/9/2022

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