Chapter 67

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Alexander Romano

It felt as though something heavy was pinning me down and restricting my movements. I struggled to move my limbs but I couldn't. Even my eyelids felt too heavy for me to peel open my eyes. 

My mind felt clouded, until I heard Reine's voice: "Don't you die on me, Xan." 

Xan. It was the nickname she only used for me when we were young. 

It's been so long since I heard it coming from her. And it felt so nostalgic. 

Just as I was about to fall asleep again, I felt someone's hand on mine. 

"Wake up, please. I will hear you out no matter what you want to say, only if you wake up now." 

Reine? Really? Does she really mean what she say? Then of course I've got to wake up no matter what it takes. 

I plucked up all the energy I have in me and finally a ray of white light pierced into my eyes. The first person who came into my sight was none other than Reine. I wasn't hallucinating those words after all. 

Her eyes widened the moment she saw that I regained consciousness. Getting up almost immediately, she took out a mini flashlight from her pockets as she shined it into my eye. 

She turned it off after inspecting and asked, "Do you recognise me? Can you see this clearly?" She pointed to herself, not before showing up three fingers before my eyes.

My throat felt extremely dry, but I managed to croak out, "You're my sister, and I can clearly see the three fingers you've got there. Can I have some water please?"

She picked up the water jug from the table and poured it into a glass, placing a straw in it and passed it to me. As the water flowed into my system, I instantly felt alive again. She then left the room and returned with the rest of the family, with Eli at the front who rushed forward to check on me. 

The seemingly cold and quiet room instantly became noisy and surprisingly, warm. Given my normal self, I would have chased them out or told them to shut up. But I strangely want this to continue and never stop. Because it finally felt homely for the first time in almost 20 years.

Eli eventually chased everyone out on behalf of me after a while because he ordered me to take a good rest and not even think about going back to work for the time being. Something that I would definitely do, honestly.

As everyone turned to leave the room accordingly, I cannot help but to notice that Reine looked as though she was hesitating to do something but could not bring herself to do so. 

"Reine." I called out, I'm not sure if she has something to tell me, but I do have something to tell her. 

She hauled in her steps, but not turning around to face me. Taking a deep breath, she finally turned around and walked towards me. 

"Thank you, for saving me." She said. 

"You don't have to, it's what I should do." I replied, looking out for any hint of annoyance on her face. It seemed to me that she was less angry towards me now given the way that she was speaking to me calmly. 

"Gosh, it feels like a damn deja vú." She muttered under her breath. I chuckled at her actions, as she quirked an eyebrow at me. 

"Anyways, about what you said earlier....does that still count?" I asked, hoping that she would not start denying it.

She tilted her head slightly to look at me, blinking once, blinking twice and asked, "I'm sorry, what?" 

"Something along the lines of you would hear me out if I wake up?" I pursed my lips together, mirroring her actions. 

It was as though it finally hit her and she reacted, "Wait, you heard that?" I nodded, loud and clear, if I may add.

She sighed loudly, as she slowly nodded her head and confirmed, "Yeah, I did say that so I will do it. And I believe we do need to talk anyways, after all the chaos." 

I secretly punched the air in happiness, but only showed a small smile on my face, "Then are you willing to hear me out now?" 

She eyed at me amusedly, and replied, "Really? You seem a little more cheerful than usual and it kind of scares me now." Was it so obvious?

"We will talk, but not now. You need to rest for a day more and I promise that I will listen to whatever you all will say, just not today." She added, and I nodded my head at her words. It felt as though she was more of the older sibling here. 

With that, she left the room as I leaned back onto the bed and sighed, thinking to myself that at least she was willing to give us a chance to fix things. I don't expect her to forgive us, I just want to let her know that we are trying our best to make things right now that we have finally gotten rid of the feuds from the past. As for whether she wants to forgive or not, it's totally up to her and we would respect her decisions. 

Roman Parker

Without bother knocking on the door, I stepped into the room only to find Alexander Romano typing away on his laptop. I thought Reine and his the other brother had strictly ordered him on bed rest and no work?

His eyes darted to the door and was surprised to find me standing at the door, as he signalled for me to quickly shut the door before any of his family or even Reine sees him working his ass already. 

Taking my own sweet time, I purposely closed the door as slow as possible, with him throwing hard glares in my way. Once the door was closed, he heaved out a small sigh of relief as he quirked his eyebrow at my appearance. 

"Don't mind me, I'm just here to check if you're still alive or kicking the bucket soon." I pulled out a chair and plopped myself down, keeping a distance away from his bed. 

He glanced at me for a good minute before returning to the screen of his laptop and begun typing away. Crossing my leg over the other and folding my arms across my chest, I sighed, "I heard that Ray was going to hear you all out."

His fingers stopped typing as he turned his head towards me and stared at me again. 

"You know about it?" He asked, as he closed his laptop and shoved it aside. 

Nodding my head, I beamed at him sarcastically, "Of course I would, I'm her brother, just for your information." I threw a smirk in his way as he groaned in annoyance.

Putting aside all jokes, I placed on a stern face as I warned, "This is the first time that she had ever thought about hearing you all out and I'm warning that you had better give an appropriate explanation to her. If you are going to fuck it up big time, I will make sure to bring her back to England and never to step a foot back here again."

To my amazement, Alexander Romano did not show any signs of anger or even annoyance. In fact, the side of his lips curved up slightly before he replied, "I know, I will make sure to give her a proper apology and explanation. And...just make sure you know that I'm not thanking you but thanking for the sake of Reine." 

Even though he did not express his gratitude properly, I would take it that he did since it was really rare for this grumpy piece of shit to even start this in the first place. 

Standing up from my seat, I rolled my eyes as I replied, "And I'm not accepting your gratitude but accepting it for the sake of Ray." 

Casually waving my hands, I left the room instantly to avoid the brewing awkwardness back there.

updated! Happy new year everyone! Hope that 2023 will be a brand new start and of course a smooth sailing year for everyone <3

Happy reading! -1/1/23 

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