Chapter 51

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Alexander Romano

We paced about along the corridor, as we waited for Eli to finish checking up on Avy. The only thing that I was glad was that Ari was not at home at the moment. I don't know how she would react to it but the consequences wouldn't be too pretty. Roman was standing by the door anxiously, waiting for Eli to come out from the room. 

The moment we heard the sound of the door opening, we rushed forward and asked, "How is she?"

"Is she awake?"

"Is there anything wrong?" 

Eli smiled a little, as he shook his head and replied, "No, she's fine, for now. But I'm not sure what it would be like after she wakes up." We remained silent at his answer, only hoping for the best. Roman was the first to head in, followed by us. 

She was lying on the bed, looking all peaceful unlike the sight that we had just witnessed. This was our first time witnessing her having a panic attack. She probably had more previously, but none of us actually cared enough to look out for her. 

It was heart breaking for us to see her struggling like what did, and the fact that none of us could help to calm her down probably broke us more than we expected. Roman managed to do something that none of us could, and that was to make her trust him enough to actually calm the attack down.

The four of us remained silent as we watched Roman holding her hand gently as he placed his forehead on the back of her hand. We had no right to be jealous over their bond, do we?

Placing her hand down gently, he stood up from the seat and headed towards us, "We need to talk." Shifting my gaze over to him, I nodded stiffly as I signalled to the rest of them and they followed suit, as we left the room in order not to disturb Avy's rest.

We settled down outside of the room, as he begun, "That was one of her worst panic attacks she ever had. She had far worse ones, but this was no where better than those. She didn't exactly tell me in detail what happened before, but I could roughly understand the whole thing."

"We...did something that was totally unjustifiable." Theo chuckled humourlessly as he continued, "To accuse a 5 years old of killing her own father, how absurd can it get? Not only that, we made her feel as though she had really committed the murder and abandoned her cruelly." 

"That was fucking idiotic, if that's the truth you want to hear." Roman commented, but none of us could retort against his words, because it was the truth. 

"When I first met her at the warehouse, she seemed dead more than alive. It was merely her breathing body that made her seemed like she was still alive. The fact that she told me that my dad was going to kill her with such calmness surprised me. Because it sounded as though she was welcoming death itself. Just what...exactly did all you do to her to make her that way?" Disgust was clearly evident in his eyes as he looked at us in fury. 

"She was in a coma for almost six months, and when she first woke up, her memories were gone. But you know what was the first thing that occurred in my mind? I thought that it was a good riddance. It was a good opportunity for her to forget about the past that she had, and start her life afresh. But sadly that wasn't the case. She slowly got back those memories after almost a year, and she started having nightmares and panic attacks. Sometimes it got so bad till the point that she wouldn't be able to sleep for the whole week. She finally gave in to the idea of talking to a therapist after much persuasion. It wasn't easy for her to talk to someone about her past because she had to relieve those shitty memories once again. Her nightmares and attacks then got less frequent after nearly a year's worth of therapy. But they were all rendered useless the moment she stepped back into this house again."

We fell silent upon his words. We were the ones who caused her nightmares and panic attacks, and the same people who brought it back once again despite all the efforts she made to forget about them. 

"We will fight for her this time." Enzo spoke up, surprising all of us. He had been beating himself up in guilt ever since we learnt about the truth. Roman mocked dryly, "And what makes you think that you deserve a right to fight for her? Someone please enlighten me."

"We will earn it, through our ways. So no matter how long it's going to take for her to accept us again, we will try and wait till that day. We won't back down this time, it's for sure." Eli replied. 

"I really despise you bastards, you know. And it takes so much in me to not beat every single of you up now because I know Ray wouldn't like it. Let me just warn you, if you really want to earn her back, then prove it to her. Not just by sweet talking your damn way but through your actions. However, if you can't do it and will only end up hurting her more, I suggest all of you to back the fuck down and let her live in peace until this whole threat thing is resolved."

I stood up, "We will make sure that she wouldn't be hurt again this time, I promise." Probably sensing the determination with no hint of lies in my words, Roman unclenched his jaw a little and stood up too, ready to leave. 

"I'm not telling you all this because I like any of you. It's because I hope to give Ray a proper closure to the knots in her heart. I don't wish to see her living in pain, just because of some unworthy bastards. She needs to let go of the past and make herself happy again. If that's what you all wish for her as well, then help her." With that, he headed upstairs and had his words swarming around our heads. 

We will show it to her. 

updated! with all the recent news that I've read, it's saddening to hear that we are ending October in such a way. not going to comment on any of those news, but I hope that all of you out there will be able to stay safe, healthy and happy <3

on a cheerful note, I finally understood the topics that I've been learning all these while WNSwnsoWO I'm so happy because I'm finally not a lost sheep!!! 

Happy reading! -31/10/2022

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