Chapter 37

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Mason Romano

I could not believe my eyes when I first landed my gaze on her. It was really Ave, even though her appearance changed. Not drastically I would say, but obvious enough to notice. For instance like her shoulder length hair, and the increase in her height. She seemed to have grown taller, not that she needed before since she was already standing just below my eyebrows. I was 5'11 back then, and probably hit 6 foot now. 

I could feel how Alexander and all tensed as she introduced herself as Reine Parker, which came out to be rather shocking to us. Given that Felix Parker was the one who kidnapped her and tried to kill her through the video call to us. It's just funny how fate brought everything together. 

I was holding back myself from not running up to her and hug the shit out of her, upon seeing how well and alive she was now. I was scared that other families might take it as a chance to think that she will be our weakness and use her as a leverage against us. I'm sure she wouldn't need that extra danger added to her already colourful life. 

Excusing myself to the washroom, I headed straight to calm myself down. 

Reine Parker

Noticing how Mason had excused himself to the bathroom, I stood up from my seat and excused myself as well. He must be shocked to see me here, isn't it? 

Standing outside of the gents nervously, I thought about the possible greeting that I could say to him the moment he steps out of the washroom. 

The sound of the door opening got me standing all upright. Mason walked out of the washroom and a look of shock flashed through his face , as he took a second to study me, before taking me into a bone crushing hug. I did not even get to say anything before I realised that he was already hugging me. 

Lifting my hands from my side, I locked my hands together as I hugged him back. The hug felt nostalgic. It felt like back in those times when I was feeling down and he would give me a hug like this. We maintained the same position for a good few minutes before we let go of each other. 

"It's not a dream, right?" He asked nervously, before double checking if I was just an illusion appearing in front of him. 

"No, I'm real, Mason." I let out a small smile, assuring him that I'm really standing before him. Before he got to speak, I interrupted, "I'm sorry. For letting you think that I was dead the whole time." The guilt in me resurfaced as soon as I saw Mason and Vince, for making a selfish decision to protect myself. 

He shook his head, and adorned a smile over his face, "Don't apologise for something logical that you did for yourself. If anything, I was proud that you made that decision. You were happy during the 4 years, weren't you?" 

I nodded at his question, and he continued, "Then that's the answer I needed to hear. You were happy because of the decision you've made. There's nothing else more important than that." He gave me a stern look to stop me from looking so guilty and apologetic. 

Tears gathered in my eyes as I heard his words, it felt so assuring and warm. He pulled me into a hug once again and teased, "Don't ruin your makeup now, you still need to look badass in front of everyone." I sniffled and chuckled at his attempt to lighten the mood, and we started making our way back to the hall when we met someone unexpected. 

Vince was on his way to the washroom when we met halfway along the corridors. The three of us stopped in our tracks as Mason was the first to speak up, "Move to the side so that no one will interrupt your talk. I will head in first." With that he gave me a little nudge forward as he tapped on Vince's shoulder as he left the both of us standing in the middle awkwardly. 

Moving my feet a little towards the side walkway, he followed suit and we continued standing in silence. His eyes never left mine ever since the start, but it seemed that he was lost in thoughts. Inhaling a deep breath, I asked, "How.....have you been?" I swallowed nervously as I waited for his response. 

"If I can be honest, I'm not doing well." His response caught me off guard as my eyes snapped up to his. I did not dare to look at him in the eyes the moment we crossed path, for fear that I would see disappointment or anger in them. 

"I'm sorry, for leaving like that. And also, for not coming back despite I was alive all these while." His eyes softened as I apologised, and he sighed softly. 

"I've been asking myself, if I could have helped you if only I had realised the pain that you were holding in all these while. Would things have turned out differently if I had noticed earlier? These thoughts would just come into my mind every time I think about you." He whispered softly, as he let out a small chuckle. 

Deciding to be bold, I reached out for his hand and took his hand in mine. I entwined our hands slowly, and said, "It's not your fault, none of it was, so don't blame yourself for it. I'm not sure if things would still have ended the same way as before, but one thing for sure is that....I missed you." We smiled at each other softly, as he clasped onto my hand stronger than before. 

"I'm pretty sure that should have been my line." I shrugged at him, as we broke into chuckles. Suddenly, he pulled me into his embrace as I slowly leaned into him. I'm getting hugged so often now, not that I mind but this is pure happiness. 

"Thank you for staying alive and coming back again, Avery." His voice held a certain extent of brittleness and I leaned into him more. 

"Thank you for being here for me, though I go by Reine now. Vince." I replied softly, and I could feel the soft vibration of his throat as he chuckled softly while resting his head on my shoulder.

"Feels great to hear this nickname again, Reine." He corrected himself as we continued to stay in each other's embrace, hoping that time would eventually stop here.

It felt comforting to be here with him.


Happy reading! -8/10/2022

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