Epilogue 1

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Third Person 

Placing down the bouquet of fresh flowers in her hands, she used her hand to gently sweep away the fallen leaves on the tombstone. Alexander Romano stood beside her, while the rest of them were standing behind them. 

"Hi dad, it's been so long since I've talked to you. A lot of things happened and I believed that you were watching all of us from above. I'm sorry for coming so late." Reine smiled sadly at the tomb in front of her. 

All these years, they had not visited their father as a group together. Not even on the day of his funeral. Ariana was taken away by their mother while Reine only went to the funeral after the family left. 

Even on their father's death anniversary, all of them went separately to visit him. Reine would sit there for almost the whole day, narrating how her day went to her father, as though he was just right beside her, listening to her stories. But at the end of the day, the glow in her face which she held when she talked to her father would slowly dissipate, knowing that she had to face the reality once again.

It had been 4 years since she had last visited him. There was so much to tell him but she did not know where to even start from. 

Alexander stared at the grave in front of him, not speaking a word. He had not visited ever since finding out what he had done to his own sister. He knew that his father would be greatly disappointed in him if he knew what he had done. His father would probably give him a good beating before cursing him in all the languages he knew of. That was what his father was capable of. 

Actually what no one knew about Alexander was that he would sit in front of his father's grave and space out without a word. When his father first passed away, he had to take over the leader's seat at the age of 14. Though his uncle assisted him, he still had to do most of the work and learn about the cruelty of the world at that mere age. 

Many a times he wanted to give up, simply because it was too tough and he could no longer take the pressure. But the thought of his father made him persevere, because he knew how much it meant to his father in order to build the empire. His father had poured his heart and soul into building it, so he could not simply just give up over a few obstacles. 

Thinking to himself, he silently vowed to his father, "Dad, I know you are disappointed with my past actions, even I feel the same way. But this time I promise, to never let Ave and Ari to suffer again. I will do whatever it takes in order to protect them, so please, watch over them and keep them safe as well." 

The Romano siblings set up some food and placed them in front of the grave, hoping that their father could rest in peace after almost two long decades. For the first time in so long, the silence amongst them was not a tensed one, but rather it was one which brought them peace and tranquility. 

The sun was slowly setting down as they packed up for the day. As they walked over to the car, Mateo suggested, "Do you guys want to watch the sun set? I know of a place where we could watch it perfectly."

They then placed the stuff on the car as they strolled towards a hill behind the graveyard. From the hill, one could see the houses below and of course the large patch of skies which was covered in orange-red. 

Believing that it was a good timing for her to speak, Reine spoke, "I'm heading back to England with Roman next month. The hospital which I've had interned at had recommended me to head there to learn from one of the best surgeons." All of them turned their heads to look at her. 

In their hearts, neither of them want her to leave. But if she had made the decision, it is only right to give their fullest support instead of being wet blankets. Besides, Reine had not completely forgiven them too, so what right do they have to even stop her from doing something she enjoys? Previously Mateo had asked if Reine would want to get back her original identity, since everything was over, but she stated that she loves her current identity and there was no need for her to change anything. Of course Roman was the happiest and went ahead to brag it in front of Alexander. The Romano brothers had respected her wish and went along with it as well. 

Unknowingly, Alexander found himself asking a question, "When will you be back?" 

Reine shrugged at his question and replied, "I'm not sure either, it may take months, or even years." 

"All the best for your studies, just make sure to take care of yourself there." Elijah smiled. 

"We will miss you. Take care." Ariana hooked her arm with Reine's, to which Reine smiled and replied, "I will visit when I have the time."

Sometimes simplicity is what brings out the peacefulness.

first part of the epilogue! quite a simple one because there will still be a few others coming up (still thinking and drafting in the process)

Happy reading! -13/1/2023

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