Chaprer Six: David

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Author: Time to meet David... Possible spoilers in this part.

It's been a couple days since you said goodbye to Rebecca and Lucy. You've had plenty of time to think and you've decided what you wish to do.

Y/N Mind: If I can end Juggernaut chip without meeting my mother... Then that is what I will do. First... I will need information and that is why I am here.

You stand before the Afterlife. You walk inside and head for the bar where you take a seat. The bartender who you now know is named Claire walks over to you.

Claire: Hey Y/N... Want the usual?

Y/N: No thanks... I'm looking for a fixer named Rogue.

Claire: You're not planning to cheat on Becca are you?

Y/N:... No?

Claire: When I say cheat... I mean being unfaithful by spending time with other people romantically.

Y/N: Oh then definitely not... Just want some info.

Claire: Then she's right over there.

You turn to your left. You smile at Claire from behind the mask.

Y/N: Thanks.

Claire: No problem.

You get up and walk over to Rogue only to be stopped by some guard. You stare at the guard confused.

Rogue: Let him in.

The guard steps aside and you walk over and a take a seat near Rogue.

Rogue: So you are the famous Reaper.

Y/N: I guess.

Rogue: What can I do for you?

Y/N: M/N L/N... I want to know where she lives. I also want to know when she isn't home. Do you think you can get the information?

Rogue: Of course... Why are you interested in M/N L/N?

Y/N: Let us just say I have no love for the woman and I want to put a stop to the sale of the new chip she is working on.

Rogue: Juggernaut chip? I learned a bit about it. 

Y/N: How much for the information?

Rogue thinks for a moment.

Rogue: I also have no love for anyone working for Arasaka... So how about I give you information if you do me a favour.

Y/N: Information first.

Rogue squints her eyes at you.

Rogue: Deal.

(Timeskip - A day later)

You fly through the sky like smoke surrounded by your many Nanobots. The nanobots vibrate at inhuman speeds allowing you to phase through. You stand in your mother's penthouse as the nanobots flow back inside your body. You look around and spot a camera staring at you. You wave before shooting it.

You walk around the penthouse until you come across a laptop. You notice the room turn red signalling a silent alarm has been set off.

Y/N: I'll have to be quick.

You turn on the laptop. You then call Kiwi.

Kiwi (Call): Y/N? It's surprising to get a call from you.

Y/N (Call): Yeah... I need help hacking into a laptop. Do you think you can walk me through it.

Kiwi (Call): Sure... But why not call Lucy?

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