Chapter Four: Tartaros

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Author: I'm going to say this is probably half way through sequel.

At the Luna Roses camp somewhere in the badlands, you, your crew, Jackie, V and Mercy sit at a table. 

Y/N: So... Why exactly was the Mastermind after you?

You all stare at Mercy as her daughter sleeps on her lap.

Mercy: Can I trust you... Y/N L/N?

You stare in surprise before taking your mask off.

Y/N: How did you know who I am?

Mercy: I saw you use those Nanobots... Nanobots G/N L/N created.

Y/N: You know my Grandfather?

Mercy: I do.

Y/N: I don't really know if you can trust me as I don't know if I can trust you. 

Mercy: What is your intentions with the Mastermind?

Y/N: To kill him.

Mercy: I have no desire to kill him.

Y/N: Why not?

Mercy: Because I only care about helping people and protecting my daughter.

Y/N Mind: Kiwi has a daughter, Lucy might want a daughter, the Luna Roses leader has a daughter and now this Angel has a daughter... Does anyone not have a daughter?... Oh yeah... Me.

Sally: But if he dies he will not be able to come after you... Right?

Mercy: Maybe... But he is still... Nevermind.

Rebecca: Still what?... What are you hiding?

Ashe: We can always interrogate you... Angel.

Sally: You will do no such thing.

Mercy: I am... When I was five years old... My mother worked with G/N creating these Nanobots. 

Mercy's hand glows yellow.

Y/N: Those are... Nanobots?

Mercy: Yes. They weren't nearly this powerful back then but my mother died and I continued her work. One day I was out with my daughter... Attending my... My partner's funeral and... A man known as Ed stole some of my work.

Y/N: So... Those Nanobots were yours? 

Mercy: Yes... The Mastermind... He is my... My father. I am his daughter

You all stare in surprise.

Sally: That makes you... Y/N's cousin!

Mercy: Please don't shout... You'll wake Susie.

Sally: Sorry.

You lift your arms into the air.

Y/N: Yes.

The others look at you confused.

Y/N: What?... Can't I be happy to have a family member that I don't wish to kill?

Mercy: What about your mother?

Y/N: Well... I don't really care about her that much.

Lucy and Rebecca elbow you.

Y/N: Hey!

Rebecca: Don't forget your mother helped us with intel on your uncle.

Lucy: And gave you that chip that helped David.

You sigh.

Mercy: She actually helped me... When my mother died she was the one who inspired me to become a scientist so that I can help people.

Cyberpunk Edgerunners (Rebecca x Reaper male reader)Where stories live. Discover now