Chapter Seven: A Change

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Author: Not long now til this book is finished.

In an abandoned town several miles from the facility that the Juggernaut chips are being made you and the rest of your friends wait. You stand beside Rebecca in front of your bike.

Y/N: Today will mark a new beginning... A change is coming and Arasaka will crumble before our might.

Rebecca: That's nice but how long do those Warrior gonks plan on making us wait?

You stare at Rebecca with a disappointed look behind your mask.

David: The Warrior's Guild... Aren't they those guys who refuse to use guns?

Y/N: Don't ignore my epic...

Dorio: Yeah... Sally believes that guns make battles too painless and quick and a true battle is painful and long... Though I suppose she isn't wrong. Why she started the Guild is anyone's guess.

You cross your arms in annoyance.

Y/N: Jerks.

Maine: You say something Y/N? Why You pouting over there?

Y/N: Shut up!

The others all look at you confused.You

Rebecca: Someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed?

Y/N: There's a wrong side?

Rebecca: Oh nevermind... Hey look!

You all look to see several cars, bikes and a massive drill on wheels. You smile behind the mask. Sally leaps off her motorcycle and slams her hammer where she lands.

Sally: The Warriors... Are here!

Warriors: Yeah!

Sally: Also I brought that drill you wanted me to steal... Why did you want a drill again?

You sigh.

Y/N: Did you even listen to the plan?

Sally: Of course I did... I just don't remember anything you said.

You sigh once more but louder.

Y/N: You see the entrance to the facility?

You point to the facility inside a mountain in the distance.

Sally: You mean the big metal doors in that mountain?

Y/N: Yeah... Under this town is a large room where the power to the facility's entrance is stored. Your going to drill into the room and...

Sally: Blow it up!

Y/N: No! Kiwi and Lucy will hack into the system shutting off all power including the back up power.

Sally: And that will stop the chip from being made?

Y/N: No these generators only affect the entrance as well as the mines.

Sally looks at you confused.

Sally: What mines?

Y/N: The ones surrounding the facility.

Sally: Oh... Why don't we just blow those up?

Rebecca: Because we don't know where each individual mine is located.

Sally: Makes sense.

You look to Rebecca then to Sally with an annoyed look.

Y/N: Also... Blowing up the mines will alert the facility and they may call back up... We can't risk any of the new Juggernaut chips going out to the public.

Cyberpunk Edgerunners (Rebecca x Reaper male reader)Where stories live. Discover now