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Flowing on the floor I take the customers orders and peg them up. When I'm about to serve a ready table I stop for a second and look at the booth.

I feel sick knowing that I hoped he was there, I realise he only comes on my evening shifts. Shaking my head I go to the table.

'I wonder what note I'm going to get tomorrow'.

I have an evening shift tomorrow so my curiosity is picking at me like a scab.

It's five to four when I finish. Walking out of Ambrose I cross the road, back on the pavement I turn towards the ally but I bump into a hard chest, strong arms pull me forward as I'm falling back.

I let out an 'oof' when I'm collided with the hard chest again. I hear a deep chuckle "You should be careful" I can't look up since he's still holding me close.

To others we look like we're having a friendly hug "Um, can you let go of me?" He sniffs my hair then takes a deep inhale like he's savouring the scent "I apologise my little ember" I freeze.

I try to quickly lift up my head so I can take a look at him but he gently pushes my head down signalling he doesn't want to reveal himself to me just yet.

He likes being a mystery.

"I'm sorry for showing you the video of your parents but-" I interrupt him.

"Thank you".

His heart beats louder, since I'm pressed against his chest I can slightly hear the beating organ.

"I've lived my life looking through rose tinted glasses, you took them off my eyes and made me see the truth, I can see clear now. So thank you".

I awkwardly pat his back.

He groans "Thank you for letting me take them off" He pulls me closer if that's even possible "Will I see you tomorrow?" I cringe as my voice comes out as desperate.

He chuckles and strokes my hair lovingly "I'm sorry my little ember, you won't, but I've made you another note" I feel him place it in my pocket.

"When will you let me see you" He hums "When you see yourself" I nod, no more questions flow through my head, I guess I'm trying to process this.

He kisses the top of my head "Sadly I have to go now my little ember, but we'll meet again soon" He let's go of me and turns me around so I'm facing his back as he walks away.

I feel the note and excitement rushes through me. I walk the rest of the way home with a blush on my face. I close the front door with a sigh.

"Evangelina!" I groan hearing my parents voice call in unison, I can tell they're in the living room from the light sound of the news on TV.

I walk into the living room with a fake smile plastered on my face "Are you both ok? You only call my full name when I'm in trouble" I 'laugh' at the end.

I see a wine glass on the table.

'They're slipping up'.

"I thought you don't drink? You both like to complain how alcohol is disgusting" I tilt my head to the side to pretend confusion. Mother points to the single sofa "Why don't you sit down? We need to have a little chat".

I do as she says. They look at each other before she starts "So you're moving out, what made you decide to get your own place?".

'Why are we talking about this?'.

"Well I want my own place, plus it's a little embarrassing living with my parents at the age of twenty-two".

Mother takes a sip of her wine "And Jake, if he decides to stay at your place on whatever weekends, if he has homework he might need help. I love you but education isn't your strong point".

'Oh I see now'.

I sigh dramatically "Education may not be my strong point but I'll try. No one bothered to help but who knows I might be good at it" Mother and father couldn't hold back their glare.

"We did bother to help you" I hum "I'm sorry but I don't recall your help" My father hasn't said a word, he has no backbone, he's basically my mother's bitch.

"I guess we remember different things".

'I want to kill you'.

"Well I remember pretty clearly but let's change to a different subject" I cross my arms. Mother takes a gulp of her wine "Woah be careful mum I don't want you to turn into an alcoholic when you have a thirteen year old son" I 'joke'.

She definitely wants to shout at me and I definitely want to push her completely over the edge but I still need to keep my act up.

"Why don't you cook today Lina? We don't want you to turn lazy" I laugh "Oh mother I'd hardly class working five days a week as lazy".

Another gulp "I have an idea, why don't you pay us rent? Since you have good income" I stand from the sofa to start cooking. I notice a bottle of wine beside her leg, probably can't be bothered to go up and down for more.

'And she calls me lazy'.

"Sadly I can't, remember I'm moving out pretty soon. Why are you asking now? I've been working at my job for over a year. I think you guys are good. You're drinking pretty expensive wine" I recognise the label, they serve it at the restaurant.

As I said, pretty expensive.

"I'll go start dinner now, any ideas?" Another gulp "No sweet, you put something together" I walk into the kitchen with a wicked smile on my face.

My mother is allergic to all types of nuts. I think you know what I'm getting at. I decide to open the note later, this is more important.


My Little Ember Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang