The Girl

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I whistle walking down the path. I don't know where I am, my foster parents aren't nice to me.

After school I came home and found my foster mother sniffing flour, I thought flour was for baking?

Her head whipped up and gave me a mean look "What the fuck are you looking at?!" I don't move "Do you want me to call Paul? I'm sure he'll teach you a lesson of not doing what you're told!".

I ran up the creaky stairs and got changed, afterwards I opened my bag and brought out the massive spider that I thought was cool. I showed the boys and girls in my class but they screamed".

'Scardy cats'.

I had put the spider in a glass jar, it's so cool they have so many legs and they can make webs! The loud bang of the front door sent my heart racing, I could hear Caitlen screaming at Paul about how he needs to teach me a lesson.

Not long after that I hid under my bed, the door opened and creaked like in the scary movies that they force me to watch. I've become numb to horror, but this was a different horror.

I placed my palm over my mouth when I heard my heavy breathing. His loud footsteps entered the room.

Long story short he pulled me from under my bed, I was screaming and kicking then he dropped me and I ran off.

Now I'm here.

In the fancy area of the town. Seeing the nice houses and cars make me want to destroy everything.

'Why did my parent's leave me?'.

I was seven and my mother and father were watching me as I was playing a king in a play, they looked so happy seeing me upstage playing a big role. The only part of that play I loved was seeing how proud of me they were.

I remember my dad was secretly recording the play, he loved recording stuff, he said that even though it's best to live in the moment it's also the best watching back at our happiest and favourite moments, there were a lot.

A man entered the sports hall where our play was being held but I wasn't really looking at him, then I think two more men came in.

They started shooting everybody, the parents and family members, my class mates, everyone.

One of the substitute teachers gathered as many of us as he could and brought us out of the back entrance where the police people were waiting. I was screaming and crying for my parents.

My aunt came, we weren't close but she took me in until we knew what happened to my parents. They died. My aunt realised that she couldn't look after a kid and now here I am.

I'm an angry child, can you blame me? I try to be nice but it gets thrown back at me.

I stop and see kids and their parents enter the back garden of a pristine house, the shouting of excitement made me curious, I look at the back garden wooden door which holds a 'Happy Birthday' banner.

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