I'm Ready

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Asher's POV

I am so glad my beloved enjoyed our date, honestly I didn't even want a date I just wanted to take her and lock her up in my house. I don't like the fact that she has her own place, she's mine, she should be with me.

But sadly I couldn't, she would've been confused and start having tantrums etcetera and I really don't want to deal with that because that'll make me lock her in the dark room.

It's not nice, it's an empty cold dark concrete room with no bed, blankets and pillows and a stench that'll make you hurl. I may have thrown in a corpse or two years ago, that was way before I became a pathologist. I was lazy and couldn't be bothered to bury them. My other murders I have purposely put them on display, like the Handsons. They were too perfect and it pissed me off so I killed them.

But back to the present I make it obvious that I'm trying to hide my erection so she can see my actions whilst I'm pretending to be oblivious since I'm driving. My dick twitches as she sensually slides her hand off my leg.

I just want to grab her hand and make her stroke my cock. Now it's my turn to tease her. I do the same action she did but slightly higher then I remove it when she casually clears her throat "We're here" I announce, from the corner of my eye she tries to subtly rub her legs together.

My cock hardens seeing the affect I have on her. We get out of the car and take our victims inside, of course my beloved had trouble so I helped her which she was grateful for.

In the morgue after strapping one fucker in a chair and the other on the table she wipes her forehead with the back of her hand, slightly out of breath she says "I really do admire you Asher, I should start going to the gym" She chuckles at the end, her comment makes me chuckle "You don't need the gym, I can always do it for you. I think you know by now that I want to do things for you".

As I spoke I walk towards her and hold her waist "I know but you do so much for me, I want to do things for you too" I tuck a peice of her hair behind her ear "You can do plenty of things for me" Her eyes shine "Like what?".

I lean down and whisper sensually "I think you know, use that little imagination of yours" Then I nip her earlobe and pull back, my eyes go straight to her bottom lip that's slightly pulled back by her teeth. I use my thumb to release her lip.

"I'll bite it for you if you want" When she doesn't reply I grab her and instantly lock her lips with mine, she moans when I bite her lip, maybe a bit hard as I can taste a hint of copper. When I pull back I see that her bottom lip is slightly bleeding.

"Does it hurt?" She shakes her head looking dazed she replies "No" She licks her lips.

'She's perfect for me'.

I'm caught by surprise when she connects her lips to mine "Bite me again" Fuck me, I do as she says. Ravaging her lips I feel her arms wrap around my neck and a small pull at my hair, I internally growl and wrap my hand around her hair and pull it back hard.

She squeaks but doesn't pull away, moaning I'm tugged closer to her. We hear the fuckers groan as they're waking up but she doesn't care. I feel like her drug, she can't get enough of me.

I grab her legs as she jumps and wraps them around me, she gasps since her pussy is on my very hard cock. I never thought this moment would come, she wants me and I am dying to have her.

"Fuck Jesus where am I? Gaz you there?" We hear a sluggish "Yeah man" She chuckles against my lips then says "Let's get this over with" Our faces now apart we smile at each other "Let's get this over with" Reluctantly I place her back down on her feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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