The Man Behind The Mask

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"Ok Miss Blackwood are you ready to get these casts off?" Eagerly nodding I say "You have no idea" I look at Doctor Jones as he gets ready to take then off.

'I wonder how we're going to catch him?'.

I know we haven't investigated any other staff but Doctor Jones but there's something strange about him there's something behind those icy blue eyes. I purposely look for his hand and see a mark on his finger that indicates he had a wedding ring.

"Divorced?" Not looking at me he says "Yes".


"Got any kids?" Now he looks at me "One" His answers are very fucking short "How old are they?" Clearing his throat he replies "Eight".

'Why is he lying?'.

I just nod "What's with the questions?" He asks "Just curious" He takes off my leg cast "Curiosity killed the cat" Examining my leg he moves to my arm, I don't go further with his words "Well you're as good as new now, you can go".


"Thank you Doctor Jones, have a nice day" He says the same thing back. I can't express how nice it is that I can do things again, now Asher doesn't have to do anything else for me.

I got a taxi here, Asher had to work so he couldn't drive me. Two minutes later the taxi came and on the drive back I think back to last week when I had my first time being drunk, there are some parts that are left out but he said that it was normal.

I still blush from time to time remembering his words of spanking me, I liked it and when he touched my breast, even though I was drunk I didn't tell him I remembered that because that would be a very embarrassing conversation.

Now that I'm all better he'll leave or maybe not be here as much. I pay the driver and hop out. Opening and closing the door behind me I go to get a drink then sit down and relax for a bit before I clean.

I'm thinking about messaging Asher but I don't want to bother him whilst he's at work, I'll just wait until he comes back. I clean every part of the house and wash my clothes.

When my clothes are dry I put them away, going through my underwear drawer I notice that some of my favourites are missing. It happens so I don't think much of it.

I plop down back on the sofa, stretch then take a sip of my drink. I'm starting to get worried about Asher, this is the longest he's been gone for. He's probably got a hard case, normally he's gone for about three hours max but he's been gone for five hours.

'One message won't hurt right?'.

I pick up my phone and message him saying.

Let me know when you're on your way back, I've got some lack of information on Doctor Jones.

I haven't sent it yet.

'Should I ask if he's ok? Would it seem desperate?'.

'Fuck it'.

Let me know when you're on your way back. I've got some lack of information from Doctor Jones, I hope you're ok.

What I didn't know is that is the last part of the message I sent is exactly what he wanted. I jump as my phone rings, my heart races thinking that it's him but when I look at the caller ID I see it's Jake.

Answering it we had a chat, he knew my cast came off today and said that I should visit next weekend, I reluctantly agree because that means I'll have to see my parents. After a few more minutes of chatting we end the call.

I lean back and close my eyes for a second thinking about Asher. I hear the door open and close, I sit up and see him walking in the living room with something behind his back "Stay here and don't question this".

He shuffles to the side and jogs to my bedroom, I feel confused but I chuckle from his strange actions. He actually acted like a normal human being.

Coming back to the living room he says "When I leave go into your bedroom and meet me in my car at half ten" I can't help the grin that's spreading across my face "Ok?" He goes to move towards me but stops.

He clears his throat "I'm going to leave now and I will see you in an hour and a half" Then I'm left alone confused but not in a bad way, I stand up and walk to my bedroom.

I see a big bag but it's plain with no brand, I open the bag and take out it's contents which makes me gasp. There are two boxes, that's when I see the brand. They are very fucking expensive.


This is too much, these are very big brands, I'm scared to touch it. I open the first box and I place a hand over my mouth, its beautiful.

I pull out a beautiful emerald lace trim backless cut out dress. I lay it down on my bed and I move to the other box and when I open it I gasp again when I pull out a pair of black kitten heels.

Looking at the time I should really get ready.

Coming out of the shower I quickly dry myself off and quick dry my hair. Brushing it down I get my curling iron ready and pray that I don't burn myself. Once that's done I only put on mascara and red lipstick that I dab off so there's only a light red tint to my lips.

Hair done, makeup done and all dressed up. I look at the time and see it's three minutes to ten, butterfly's errupt in my stomach and I quickly put on a jacket and leave my flat not before locking it behind me.

Exiting the building I see the two front lights of the car light up twice signaling that that's his car. Trying to act normal I walk upto his car and enter the front passage seat. He doesn't say anything for a minute when I enter the car.

He looks amazing in a suit, I break our silence "Well don't you look dapper" I try not to be concerned from his silence "You look breathtaking" Heat rises to my cheeks "Thank you".

He drives away from the flat building "Are you ready for our first official date?" I choke on my saliva and he chuckles "What did you think this was going to be? Just a regular old trip with me in a suit and you looking like a goddess?".

I grin again and shake my head "Paintballing?" We laugh "It's a beautiful night, I don't think I've ever seen the stars look so bright" I am in complete awe "I have" I turn and look at him to see he's already looking at me.

I smile at him thinking he's smiling back. Fifteen minutes later we arrive at our destination, it's a forest but I think I see lights in the distance.

When I'm about to step out of the door he stops me and runs out to my side, opens the door for me and holds out his hand for me to take which I do.

"I never thought that you were a romantic" Walking hand in hand we make our way through the forest that has a faint footpath trailing ahead "There are many things you don't know about me".

I gasp as we come across this beautiful area with fairy lights wrapped around the trunks, there's a big blanket with a picnic basket on the side of the blanket.

I'm in awe, he gently tugs me so we walk then sit on the blanket "You did all of this?" I whisper "I did" Everything is perfect "It must've taken you ages to set this up" I fully turn towards him "Honestly it wasn't".

He strokes the side of my face "How did I get so lucky?" He asks it to himself, I didn't know how to answer so I just genuinely smile "And it all started with a note" He shakes his head but I don't say anything.

He moves to the basket and takes out a bottle of rosé and two wine glasses, he passes one to me and pours our drinks. Holding out his glass I do the same "Cheers" And there he is.

The man behind the mask.

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