I Love You

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My mouth gapes in awe as he takes a sip.


His eyes are hypnotising they're each a different colour, strong sharp cheekbones, a jaw line that can cut fucking steel and a long jagged deep scar from the right top of his head down to his right chin.

"I'm partially blind in my right eye" I slowly reach to touch the right side of his face, he slightly flinches but doesn't stop me.

"You're beautiful" I just had to say it, we stare deep into each others eyes "I was actually afraid you'd find me ugly, I don't exactly get great looks from people" I shake my head "Lucian, you are far from ugly and it doesn't matter to me, I fell in love-".

Our eyes and mouths widen "I-I um I-" "You love me?".

'I love him?'.

Now I'm just a stuttering mess "Um no um I fell..in friendship? With you?".

'What the fuck was that? Fell in friendship? Come on Lina!'.

His eyes show adoration and shock, completely speechless. Now again with the stuttering "How about a drinking game? The goal is to forget everything I just said" I laugh nervously.

"Do you Evangelina Blackwood love me?" I slowly nod "Yes" I squeak when I say my answer.

'And I never fucking realised'.

I knew I had feelings but I never thought love until I said it "I'm not sorry my beloved but I have to do this, he grabs both sides of my face and pulls me so our lips connect.

'Fucking, fireworks'.

Our kiss is filled with passion, adoration, lust and love, his lips are perfect, I moan as he pulls me closer and we kiss until there's no more breath in our lungs. My eyes flutter as we pull away, our chests are heaving.

"I've dreamt so hard for this moment" Then we just laid down, held each other looking at the stars and glances at each other from time to time.

"Do you want some more wine" I nod against his chest "Yes please" We both sit up so we're sat across from each other this time, I freeze when he hands me the wine.

I look into his eyes, and the way his arm is held out to me "It's you" He looks back into mine "You're the boy" I whisper "And you, are the girl. I do apologise my choice of present for you now that I realised people don't like receiving dead animals a presents They think it's strange".

I want to laugh but I'm in shock, breathless I say "Why did you pick me?" He sadly smiles "I was walking by your street and I had no friends, never had one so I wanted to see other kids.

I was also curious of what it was like, living in the nice area and the fancy houses and the perfect life. Your gate was open so I came in, what did I had to lose? I'd only get kicked out.

I looked around and saw you, obviously a part of it was a part of your unnatural beautiful blood red hair, and you were alone. From the obvious sash that said you were the birthday girl I was looking around confused.

You were the birthday girl yet you were never noticed, no one bothered you. They were just there playing on your slide and swing only caring about having fun and cake, not you. I thought why would there be so many kids and none of them was your friend.

And you seemed unique but it wasn't just your hair that time, it was because I saw that in a way you were like me, neglected, they only saw image and not you.

You were the only person in the whole garden that I wanted to talk to, I was actually hoping that we could be friends. I didn't know how to actually be with other people but I tried.

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