Chapter 7

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Do you think she wants to see her guardian?"

"Yes, it seems so."

In the office was a statue of a snake with two swords crossed through, along with a red emblem wrapped around it.

Cade froze and stopped what he was doing.

He shifted his gaze from the report to Rosaria.

"The baby hasn't been energetic recently."

"Well, would you like me to visit her?"


Cade thought she was ridiculous.

Rosaria had no reason to visit Cade as her only duty was "caring for the new bird."

Rosaria abruptly came and requested for Cade to check on the baby bird.

Cade was confused and shook his head, urging her for more information

Rosaria went on,

"She's been having many mood swings. Sometimes, she'll feel sad after playing and I think it's because she feels anxious with the absence of her guardian."

"How do you know that she's feeling anxious? I thought she was unable to speak."

"Oh. Her tail grew not too long ago."

"Her what?"

"Her tail."

Rosaria looked back and thought about how she watched the baby bird grow day by day.

"Her tail goes up or swings side to side when she's in a good mood."


"Yes, she has gotten bigger and heavier. She is also running a lot these days. Isn't that a great improvement?"

It wasn't that big of a deal but Rosaria felt accomplished saying that.

Rosaria was filled with pride when Cade showed some interest.

Her eyes glistened with worry as she thought of the baby bird.

"The way she calls my name has changed. Now she says it correctly and sweetly. She is different from the other young masters who address me by 'Hey you'."

Cade was tired. He lifted his hand up and did a stop sign thinking that there would be no end if no one stopped her.


"Anyway, what i'm trying to say is that you should come visit her often so she wouldn't feel uneasy."

"I'm busy."

"As a guardian, that should be the least you could do."

"Didn't you recently request to increase the budget and I gave you permission to do so?"

Rosaria had demanded quite a lot of money, and Cade approved it.

This was enough for him to understand the situation.

But Rosaria shook her head firmly, saying it was not enough.

The growing child was sensitive, and he was quick to notice.

No matter how close the child was to her maid, the absence of her guardian is a different matter.

Rosaria was convinced that the absence of a guardian was the cause of the baby bird's mood swings.

"My lord, I request for you to please visit your child."

Seeing how desperate she was, Cade nodded reluctantly.

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