Chapter 63

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I couldn't adapt to this situation that has been going on for days.

At first, I kindly answered and greeted the Black Mambas who spoke to me, but... It was very uncomfortable to have the same pattern of conversations over and over again.

This is because they would sneak up to my side every day, list the advantages of the South one by one, and then disappear.

I couldn't figure out why they were doing it all of a sudden, but I couldn't shake the feeling that they wanted to look good to me.

But why do they always miss the most important thing in the South?



I opened my mouth with a very serious look on my face.

"There's one. The most important thing is missing."

"What? The most important thing? ...What is missing? Please let me know."

"Jeez. There's my Daddy here! That's the best thing."


"From now on, I won't tell you again. Alright?"

Arya, who was blankly listening to me, nodded her head.

She looked shocked as if she had not thought that far.

"......Well, that's right. The biggest pride of the South is, of course, the Lord."



Arya's eyes didn't agree at all, but I was sincere.

It didn't matter what the South was like as long as I could be with my loved ones. It didn't matter if the seasons weren't good or if there was nothing to promote.

"Ah! We really need to break up now. I have to go in early."

It took too much time. I waved my hand to Arya, who was still stiff and hurried my steps again.

Hum Hum Hum.

A hum came out of nowhere. Because today was the day I collected all the stickers that Kasana gave me.

What kind of gift is she going to give me? My heart was pounding with anticipation.

Since Kasana gives meaningful gifts, it will be the same this time, right?

I arrived in the room on time and opened the door.


"Miss Irene, are you here already? Now you're coming on time even if I don't have to pick you up."

"Yes. I should do it."

Now, even alone if I'm alone, I can keep the promised time well.

As I proudly opened my chest, Rosaria's gaze turned to the pockets on both sides of my dress.

"Miss Irene. What is that?"

"Ah, this?"

I touched the bulging pockets.

They were small snacks that I received one by one while walking around the mansion. Rosaria let out a small laugh as I poured a fistful of each onto the table.

"Everyone gave me one."

"Somehow everyone's acting so obvious."

Rosalia shook her head as she couldn't stop it from happening and put the snacks that I had received into a snack bin instead.

Meanwhile, I went into the bathroom and washed my hands thoroughly. I've been around a lot today, so I have to double the foam and rinse.

After I turned off the faucet and wiped the water off, Kasana was there.

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